
DIY :: Shoot for the Stars

By Chanel Dror
How to Make a Shooting Star Costume for Halloween

How to Make a Shooting Star Costume for Halloween

To be perfectly honest, I was feeling a lot of pressure to come up with a great Halloween costume for this year. After last October’s smash hit, I spent the last few months racking my brain tirelessly in an attempt to come up with an idea that was just as fun and easy to create. I’ve had the concept of dressing up as a shooting star sitting on the back burner for a couple years now — I knew there was potential for creativity there, but I couldn’t think of quite the right way to put it together. Then one night last week while I was trying to fall asleep (that’s when all good ideas strike, after all) it came to me! I executed it with a get-up that lets your head be the star with an oversized headpiece, while the rest of your body gleams as the trail left behind by the star-on-the-go. Here’s hoping you all love it at much as I do, and I’d love to hear what costume ideas you all have!

How to Make a Shooting Star Costume for Halloween | Camille Styles

How to Make a Shooting Star Costume for Halloween

How to Make a Shooting Star Costume for Halloween

How to Make a Shooting Star Costume for Halloween

How to Make a Shooting Star Costume for Halloween

How to Make a Shooting Star Costume for Halloween

How to Make a Shooting Star Costume for Halloween | Camille Styles

How to Make a Shooting Star Costume for Halloween | Camille Styles

  1. Spray headband gold
  2. Use a ruler to draw the shape of a 5-point star onto the foam board, and cut out with a craft knife. To ensure that I had a perfect star shape, I traced a large star that I found in the home decor section of the craft store.
  3. Place headband on the star, stretching it out an inch or two to fit the size of your head, and trace with a pencil.
  4. Use the craft knife to cut out the traces semicircle.
  5. Use spray adhesive to glue gold paper onto the front and back of the star. Once dry, use the craft knife to cut the edges of the paper to be flush with the foam board.
  6. Squeeze hot glue onto the top of the headband, and press against top of circle cut-out in star.
  7. Hold in place until dry. Once dry, try the headband on. If you find that you can’t get it around your head, in small increments carve out pieces of the bottom two points to allow the headband to stretch more until it fits your head.
  8. To make the arm streamers: cut the toe off your knee-high stockings.
  9. Use hot glue to attach ribbons, slightly overlapping them.
  10. Continue down the length of the whole sleeve, and repeat with the second stocking.

… pair accessories with a gold leotard and leggings. Mine are from American Apparel, but I’d imagine they’d be easy to DIY!