
Life of Pie

By Kristen Schryver
thanksgiving desserts

thanksgiving dessertsWith my favorite holiday of the year just over 2 weeks away, my mind is in dessert idea overdrive. From pies to cakes to tarts, the ways to finish Thanksgiving dinner on a sweet note are endless. Though I’m constantly scouring magazines and food blogs for the latest turkey day dessert recipes, I often find myself going back to my old standbys: the family favorites and the recipes that hold the sweetest memories for me. Because isn’t this holiday season all about making memories and sharing laughter with your nearest and dearest? As I help plan my family’s menu for this year’s feast, I’ll keep this idea in mind instead of fretting over creating a flawlessly crimped pie crust (although that would be nice to finally master!) I’m looking forward to making one of my all-time favorite desserts, chocolate pecan tart, and I’d love to know what tried and true (or new!) recipes will be gracing your table come November 27th. Let them eat pie! 

{row 1} food52; fork and flower; twigg studios; {row 2} ali allen; sunday suppers; darling magazine; red online; {row 3} herriott grace; ali allen; margaret and joy

Comments (9)

  1. dianna says:

    gorgeously curated! I love baking and now is the time that I bake pretty much every single weekend. I’m planning to contribute a cheesecake this year for Thanksgiving! Cheers to baking and creating yumminess!

  2. Karin says:

    Like to try my hands on those pies, but I am totally anxious about it since I never really gave pies a second thought. Heck, love the idea, the smells and see what results will show up.

    Also, noticed that your other cooking recipes are darn good…are you a new member of the Camille team?

    1. Kristen Schryver says:

      Hi Karin! I’m so glad you like the post! I am currently an intern with the Camille Styles team and am having a wonderful time contributing to the content of the blog. Don’t be anxious about making pie; it’s really so much easier than it looks and there is nothing better than homemade pie!

      1. karin says:

        Oh no, you got to stay…I really enjoyed your recipes more than anybody else on the blog, they seem somewhat more down to earth….I really mean it, but watching the young ladies at the Sunday brunch at Ella Hotel for Camille’s book, none of them seem to really eat at size ZERO!

        If I didn’t have enough confidence in myself, I would feel depressed now.

  3. Libbynan says:

    My late grandfather always said he only liked two kinds of pie….. hot and cold. This pretty well sums up the collective family attitude towards pie. No one ever wants a certain kind of cake for their birthday – they want pie. My husband would steal a piece of key lime pie from the Pope. Everyone has not one favorite, but five or maybe ten. I will be making two of my famous pumpkin pies to take to my son’s house for Thanksgiving…. and no, I will not be telling you the secret ingredient because then yours would be famous, too. Many people do not care for pumpkin pie,but that is because they’ve never had mine. As you may have deduced, I am a Southern girl ( or crone, as the case may be ) and pie is an intrinsic part of our culture. So your monochromatic Monday post struck a chord for me. Good work and happy eating.

    1. Kristen Schryver says:

      Thanks for your great story! I’m sure your pumpkin pie is delicious. Happy baking!!

  4. Hillary says:

    Gorgeous photos! I cannot wait to make my favorite – honey ginger pumpkin pie with a graham cracker crust!
    hillary //

  5. Celeste says:

    Libbynan, couldn’t you give us just a little hint on what makes your pumpkin pie a standout? My curiosity is killing me…. And my pumpkin pie is a little boring 🙁

    1. Libbynan says:

      Oh God, I can’t stand boring pie! Try some cardamom along with your other spices. Not a lot as it is a pungent spice, but 1/4 tsp. per pie makes a huge difference. Plus I’m talking regular pumpkin custard, not pumpkin cream.

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