
Weekend Notes

By Camille Styles
white kitchen and flowers

white kitchen and flowers

Whether it’s a trip to the spa, a long hike in the woods, or an actual vacation, sometimes you just have to get away from it all. I’m definitely one who requires a total change of scenery to step away from life’s daily demands, and as Kelly wisely said, hit the reset button. Since work has been absolutely nuts for both Adam and me the past few weeks, we declared it the weekend early, packed a suitcase for ourselves and Phoebe, and hopped on a flight to San Diego on Thursday. Adam is originally from here, and it’s been one of our favorite spots to go for a long weekend since we first started dating (although this trip brought a fresh burst of fun seeing the beach and the zoo through a two-year-old’s eyes.) Most of all, it’s been incredibly refreshing to let emails (mostly) wait until Monday, and fully savor the beautiful views, freshly-caught seafood, and uninterrupted time together as a family. Wish it could last a tad bit longer, but I know that when I open up my inbox on Monday morning, I’ll start the week feeling renewed and ready to go. Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend, and enjoy my favorite links from the past week!

The Autumn harvest is ripe for picking!

I can’t wait to download this app and fill it with all the articles and videos I just don’t have time to view during the week.

Join me in making each day a little more beautiful by adding these three words into your vocabulary.

Paris just wrapped up its Fashion Week. Here are a few good tips on dressing like a Parisian woman.

Fall even more in love with the always-adorable Reese Witherspoon during her 73-question interview with Vogue.

I’m loving the sunny, retro vibes of this Palm Springs home.


photo by Kara RosenlundÂ