
How to Look Forward to Mondays

By Camille Styles

waking up on a Monday | Camille StylesI’ve always been one of those annoying people who gets up early on Monday morning, downs a swift dose of caffeine, and begins tackling the tasks of the day with an unbridled energy that’s reserved for meeting the challenges of a brand new week. I love my job, and that passion has historically translated into a feeling of total enthusiasm about diving into another work week. But lately, I’ve been noticing a slight change in my attitude. It’s not as though I dread Monday mornings; it’s more that I’m just not quite ready for the weekend to end. These recent summer weekends have been so full of laid-back fun with the people I love, unplugging and being fully present… Monday has started to feel like the end of unhurried enjoyment and the beginning of being ruled by constant scheduling.

Ranunculus | Camille Styles

While it’s true that a key component of loving Mondays is having a job that you feel passionate about, I also think it’s possible to embrace the new week no matter what your current life situation is. You may not be able to change your reality right now, but you can certainly change the eyes that you’re viewing it with. So while you’re pursuing that dream job, why not go ahead and be your absolute best self, adopt an “I Love Monday” state-of-mind and make the most of the present by finding ways to love your current life? Here are a few ways that I banish the Sunday night blues and suddenly find myself looking forward to the beginning of a new week:

  1. Schedule a lunch date at a fantastic spot with your significant other or best friend (those Monday morning meetings will fly by in anticipation.) Make sure there’s enough time to share a dessert.
  2. Buy a new fragrance over the weekend, and spritz it on before heading out the door Monday morning. There’s nothing like scent to change up the routine and make you feel like a new person.
  3. If you have kids, brainstorm some outside-the-box field trips like a berry-picking farm or a kids’ cooking class. Their excitement over going somewhere new will be contagious.
  4. Get up early and go for a long hike surrounded by nature before work. If you’re totally city-locked, find the most beautiful neighborhood that you never go to. Sometimes a change of scenery is incredibly refreshing.
  5. Make an appointment with yourself for an at-home spa session after work: great smelling oils in the bath, a face mask, relaxing music, a cup of herbal tea… go all out.
  6. Take a full hour-long lunch break, shut off your computer, and leave your desk — dive into a great book while you eat or just sit at a sidewalk café and people-watch.
  7. Do something creative after work: paint, write, tackle a challenging recipe for dinner… whatever speaks to your individual soul, make time for it on Monday.
  8. Meet a great friend (not the gossipy one, but the one who always leaves you feeling better) for happy hour. Yep, on a Monday.
  9. Schedule a pedicure at a spot that also throws in a good foot massage.
  10. Have a couple girl friends over to drink wine and cook dinner. Make it a potluck — everyone brings the ingredients for one item. Take your time and enjoy the cooking process together.working in bed | Camille Styles

After writing these, I decided to do a quick poll from a few inspiring ladies in my life to find out what helps them start the week on a happy note. Their jewels of wisdom were so brilliant, I had to share them with you, too:

  • My sister, Molly: I do an extra long yoga and stretching session, focused on my breath and on doing whatever I’m working on in yoga at the time (right now I’m trying to do a 4 minute plank, so I’ll time myself to see if I’ve made progress over the week.) I always feel really good afterwards and it signals a new week of health for me. 
  • My cousin, Sarah: My husband and I usually plan to watch one of our favorite shows on Monday night and make an extra good dinner… kind of makes it feel like the weekend is carrying over.
  • My mom, Chris: Ask yourself, “What can I let go of this week to lighten my heart, mind, and spirit?”  Joy begins to dissipate when we feel we don’t have control over our time, and the tyranny of the urgent steps into steal our happiness. Ultimately we are the ones who allow that to happen with choices that we make, though not always consciously. Subtraction might be more effective than addition in this case. 
  • My cousin Bekah, who’s currently working as a teacher in Uganda: It’s the kids. Among all the work and obligations and deadlines – yes, we have them even in the Bush – those faces and relationships truly light up my life.
  • Sarah also said: I make sure that I wake up early enough on a Monday morning to have that quiet time before the busyness of the week begins.  I make an extra strong cup of coffee, maybe adding a splash of vanilla to make it that much more comforting, and sit and journal and read my Bible in the living room.
  • My aunt, Leslie: As I get older, I see that joy and gratitude are choices; when you decide to walk in them daily, they just grow and grow!  For me, it’s about a mindset that views each day (including Monday!) as a wonderful journey that I am grateful for. 

Let’s face it: life is too short to hate 1/7 of the weekdays! Instead of bemoaning that it’s “another Monday,” practice a spirit of gratitude for another day to live life to the fullest and be your very best self. If nothing else, fake it ’til you make it: wear something that makes you feel great and smile at everyone who crosses your path. Before you know it, you’ll be smiling inside, too. As my Aunt Leslie so wisely said, “This Monday just might be the most amazing day ever!”

I’d love to hear in the comments: how do all of you banish the Sunday night blues and look forward to the new week?

*image sources: via here, nordic leaves, wishwishwish.

Comments (38)

  1. arielle says:

    this is some seriously invaluable advice. and words that we can all adopt in one way or another. thanks for sharing!

  2. Anne Campbell says:

    This is one of my all-time fave posts of yours! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Lauren says:


  3. Alison Dulaney says:

    These are great tips! Mondays and even during the week I carve out little things that make me happy whether it is going to the flower market here in NYC or swinging into my favorite boutique for a pick-me-up or my favorite workout classes. Cheers to Mondays!

  4. littlebearsinoxford says:

    “Let’s face it: life is too short to hate 1/7 of the weekdays!” This is so true! Thanks for all these suggestions. It’s great to have such a positive outlook and to try to cultivate a more positive outlook!

  5. Kelly Jo says:

    Thanks so much for this Camille. I haven’t been real motivated at work lately so needless to say, Monday’s are not my favorite day. You have wonderful advice here that is sure to help with my work-day blues. And what inspiring ladies you have in your life! I really love what your Mom said, I’m going to start there.

  6. Peggy says:

    I love your Mom’s attitude!! I’m definitely going to try and adopt that attitude… And not just for Mondays. Thanks for a great post!!

  7. Cara Greenstein says:

    Love everything about this post – one of my favorites! xoxo

  8. Vanessa @ Living in Steil says:

    This is a really insightful post! I’m not a huge fan of Mondays (because the weekend always seems to go so fast), but I think having something to look forward to helps. I try to set goals for myself each week- to write more, go for a long walk and make it to a yoga class at least once during the week. I like the mindset of thinking about what you can let go of each week – I’m going to try and incorporate it into my life!

  9. Shannon at says:

    I used to dread Monday’s but as long as I’m organised they are really not that bad. I do think though that getting up slightly earlier to enjoy the peace and quiet and to ease into a morning workout really helps to give me the energy for the day ahead.

  10. Kristi R says:

    I’ve been celebrating each day by sharing a “happy” on the Happier app (that you featured a couple of months ago). It’s not that I was unhappy before, but finding a little joy to celebrate each day has certainly multiplied the happiness in my life. Being mindful of the good things in life…such a simple concept with a huge impact on my daily outlook!

  11. Loverly (@loverly) says:

    Great tips Camille! We struggle with Mondays too 🙂

  12. Lizelle Green says:

    Inspirational list. My favorite is your cousin Sarah’s tip on watching a show with the hubby…. especially if it’s a comedy. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Betsy says:

    I definitely agree with your Aunt Leslie! Choosing joy and gratitude for each day my journey has helped but having a career I love helps enormously. And like Sarah, starting my days with quiet time always helps!

    In our house, we refer to Mondays as “Awesome Monday” and do something together as a family in the evenings. Our children are small, so a trip to the park or a picnic in the front yard are so exciting to them. I am hoping to instill in them that each day is a gift and small things can bring great joy!

    I’ve always thought putting THE BACHELOR on Monday was genius – for years, my girlfriends and I got together to watch but it was definitely the fellowship we looked forward to the most!

  14. Anne @ says:

    Such a wonderful list! I’ve saved it for later reference on future Sunday evenings. 🙂 I’d say my best tip for looking forward to Mondays is to plan a date night dinner out after work.

  15. Amanda McPherson says:

    A case of the Mondays! We’ve all been there. I find starting Mondays (& everyday) by remembering what I’m grateful for; it helps me feel happy and encouraged right away. Loved this post!

  16. mianpup says:

    What an amazing post. I personally love Mondays, but I will be applying this my Tuesday morning slump. Thanks again! xoxo, Maria |

  17. Kelly Krause says:

    Loved this post, Camille. Sunday nights I always end with a “family dinner” with either my own family or friends to wind down the week. I get to bed fairly early — shower, face mask, whitenening trays and relax. I set my alarm an hour earlier so I can get up while it’s dark, drink my favorite coffee (or head to my favorite coffee shop) and write down the 3 most important things to accomplish that day (and the next). I am a rare breed that loves Mondays for the simple fact of “fresh starts.”

  18. Miró says:

    I love my job but Mondays are always hard! I use this process from David Kadavy (author of Design for Hackers) when I remember and have a “Prefrontal Monday.” He says: “On Prefrontal Mondays, I do executive-type thinking. I turn off social media. Heck, I get off of my computer entirely. I put a whiteboard on the floor, and I review – using only a marker and my prefrontal cortex – what’s going on in my business. What’s working? What’s not working? What should I do next? What should I stop doing? What is it, really (at the highest, most abstract level possible) that I’m really trying to accomplish, anyway?”
    This helps me step back, take a look at the big picture, and prepare for the week.

    1. Camille Styles says:

      That is so cool… wow, wonder what could happen if more people took a step back and looked at the big picture once a week! It’s so hard to do when the immediate concerns of a Monday morning are vying for our attention, but there is probably no better way we could be spending our time. Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to carve out time to give this a try next Monday!

  19. caleigh86 says:

    What a great list brimming with positivity! When I worked at my previous job I never thought twice about Mondays, I loved walking into work every day! However when I moved to a totally different community and started a new job (that I didn’t love) I had SUCH a struggle with Mondays. My mom’s advice to me was, “Make your ‘home’ life as fabulous as you can and then you’ll have something to look forward to every day.” So I did, and it helped tremendously. I joined different teams, learned new skills and met a bunch of great new friends along the way.

  20. Meenakshi says:

    I’m a work from home mom, so sometimes weekends and weekdays are all a blur. But one thing that makes Monday better us going to the greenmarket. I drop my son off to school and head there and buy a week’s worth of fruit and veggies. I like the trip, seeing what’s good and available, as well as menu planning + thinking what to make! Loving these new posts Camille.Really. They make me take a step back and just ponder, plus, they’re fun and interactive!!

  21. Abigail says:

    Such lovely ideas. 🙂 I always like to treat myself on a Monday by buying a new item of clothing or just by visiting a café for cake. I think every day should be enjoyed!

  22. Annalena says:

    MONDAY here i am!!

  23. Erika Jackson says:

    I have always loved Mondays too but your moms comment has stuck with me since i read it. I think I’m printing it out to display in my office. No surprise that you have a smart mama, Camille 🙂

    1. Camille Styles says:

      Aww, thanks Erika! That will make her day. 🙂

  24. Rachel from Rose Tinted Home says:

    This is a wonderful list 🙂 I need to change my Monday attitude and take happy into my own hands. Thank you for posting!

    xo Rachel

  25. Lisa says:

    I loved your Aunt Leslie’s comments. Thanksgiving blessings to you!

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