
Tuesday Tastings :: Kale, Orange & Hazelnut Salad

Although kale salads could probably win the prize for “trendiest food of 2014,” when I stumble across a really great one, I can’t help but become obsessed. A couple weeks ago, it happened again at the Mother’s Day brunch that we hosted at my house with Minted. Word of Mouth prepared the mouthwatering spread, and […]

The Super Foodie :: Blackberry Mango Fruit Leather

I had a childhood obsession with fruit leather…it was my favorite snack ever! And when I say fruit leather I mean fruit roll ups, the content of which I don’t even like to think about. So recently, I made my own mango and blackberry goodness. They taste even better than the fruit leather of my childhood, […]

Tuesday Tastings: Curried Cauliflower & Chickpeas

My friend Anne and I spent an inordinate amount of time discussing our love for it… my friend Kim and I both brought it to the same book club potluck (how embarrassing! It all got eaten though.) It’s not often that the humble cauliflower could be considered “buzz-worthy,” but it seems that the roasted cauliflower & […]

The Super Foodie :: Napa Cabbage Wraps

I’m obsessed with these cabbage wraps not only because I think they’re so beautiful, but because they’re incredibly tasty and satisfying. I attribute that in large part to the peanut dipping sauce which is salty, packed with flavor and such a treat. They’re delicious…that’s really what you need to know! In addition to being wildly […]

Tuesday Tastings :: Super Healthy Migas

Can we start this post with an informal survey? I’m dying to know: how many of you have never had migas? It was such a normal weekend breakfast for us growing up — my dad standing at the stove crunching up the tortilla chips to toss into scrambled eggs — that I sometimes forget it’s […]

The Super Foodie :: Millet & Broccolini Salad

I love millet for its nutty flavor, great consistency and quick cooking time.  This salad is the kind of dish I like to have in my back pocket for those nights when I want something warm, comforting and delicious, but don’t want to invest a lot of time into it.  It’s the perfect weeknight throw […]

The Super Foodie :: Roasted Sunchoke Soup

Jerusalem Artichokes — also known as sunchokes — are one of the vegetables I get most excited about when Fall comes, and in the next few weeks they’ll reach their peak. They’re so delicious when roasted with a little olive oil and sea salt, and when I have time to spend in the kitchen, they […]

Tuesday Tastings :: Barley Risotto with Root Vegetables

Today’s installment of Tuesday Tastings is brought to us by the fabulous Liz McAvoy — foodie, fashion lover and author of What Dress Code?. Since we’re all about healthy eating and fresh starts this month, we knew we could turn to the lifelong pescatarian for a resolution-friendly recipe that’s also hearty and delicious. From Liz: Risotto […]

The Super Foodie :: Miso Glazed Eggplant

When I spotted these tiny eggplants at the farmer’s market, I just knew I had to have them at my next dinner table! Roasted with a sweet miso glaze, they’re as tasty as they are adorable. I prefer chickpea miso but if you can’t find it, a sweet yellow miso will work as well! In […]

Tuesday Tastings :: Coconut Carrot Soup

I’ve finally faced the facts that I, for one, cannot live on liquids alone (sayonara, juice cleanse!)… but I do think there’s something to be said about giving our bodies a digestive break and tapping into the healing properties of a liquid meal once in a while. Of course, when temps are as chilly as […]

How to Make Your Own Caramelized Nuts

How many of y’all go as crazy as I do for those crunchy candied walnuts that are in so many great restaurant salads… or constantly  buy them from the cheese counter at the grocery to accompany appetizers? Well, betcha didn’t know that it’s just as easy to make your own at home, and dare I […]