Articles from Camille

Sneak Peek from My Book: Setting the Fall Table

As promised, I’m sharing a few sneak peeks from inside the pages of my book before its release on October 28th, and these shots from Setting the Fall Table are some of my faves… In the book, each season kicks off with inspiration for setting the table for a dinner party — flowers, linens, dishes, DIY elements, […]

Book Launch at West Elm & Tour Dates!

It’s here! The official invite to my book launch party in NYC, plus our first round of tour dates (mark your calendars!) are finally up, and this whole journey I’ve been on for the past 2 years is suddenly feeling very real…There’s no doubt that one of the parts of the book release that I’m most […]

No-Churn Chai Ice Cream with Dulce de Leche

If I had to eat only one food for the rest of my life, I think I’d choose ice cream. I’ll gladly devour any flavor, from roasted beet to plain old vanilla, fancy artisanal versions or DQ soft serve (remember “dip cones?”)… I’m pretty obsessed with it all. Since we’re still feeling summertime temps here in Austin, I’m holding onto ice cream […]

Pin It to Win It!

So excited to announce a way for 5 of you guys to win free signed copies of my book! And since I’m sure you’ve all already pre-ordered yours to redeem your gift, winning an additional copy will be the perfect holiday gift for your mom, sister or best gal pal! 🙂 Keep reading to find out […]

The Silk Button-Down

Today marks the inaugural post in our new series called “The Essential Pieces,” which is a bit of a milestone for Camille Styles as our first ever style series that stars…moi! I’ve got to admit that it’s a little intimidating to create an entire series that’s so closely tied to my own personal style, and for awhile I […]

Salted Caramel Apple Muffins

I’ve officially been bitten by the salted caramel bug. Salted caramel ice cream, salted caramel sauce (to drizzle over ice cream, of course), salted caramel brownies… there’s something about the toasty buttery flavor of caramel that’s just made for a sprinkle of sea salt, and I’ve recently caught myself fantasizing about how to add more of […]

Weekend Notes

Whether it’s a trip to the spa, a long hike in the woods, or an actual vacation, sometimes you just have to get away from it all. I’m definitely one who requires a total change of scenery to step away from life’s daily demands, and as Kelly wisely said, hit the reset button. Since work […]

How to Make the Perfect Sweet Potato Fries

Some people hunt for buried treasure… others hunt for the it bag of the season. I, on the other hand, have been on a hunt that’s led me all over the internet, deep into my cookbook collection, and on countless trips to the produce aisle, as I try to unlock my own culinary mystery: how to […]

Perfect Skin with Mineral Makeup

I thought I’d tried out every foundation on the market: from BB (and CC) creams to tinted moisturizers to fuller coverage liquids, I’ve had brief love affairs with them all. Recently though, I realized I was way overdue to try out mineral powder foundation, so I picked up the classic from the brand that brought it into the mainstream. I […]

How to Live Minimally

I am an accidental minimalist, mostly the result of making three cross-country moves in fewer than five years. As a result, I’ve learned to pack lightly, purchasing and keeping things that will be worth the schlep. But the more I’ve pared down, the more I’ve realized how owning less creates a lot of clarity. It […]

Weekend Notes

Hope everyone’s having a lovely weekend so far! Highlights of mine include: farmers market shop, breakfast banh mi at Elizabeth Street, long walk around ladybird lake, getting a massage from my amazing cousin who recently launched her biz (best thing that’s ever happened to me), grilling homemade pizzas, and finishing this completely addictive book. And the […]

10 Heavenly Plum Desserts

When I think of plums, one of the first things that comes to mind is Little Jack Horner sitting in a corner. I’m sure you all know the famous nursery rhyme, the one in which Little Jack pulls a plum out of his Christmas pie. Well, no offense to Jack, but we can do a […]

Keith Kreeger

The first time I encountered Keith Kreeger’s pottery was at the media preview dinner for Qui (which soon became one of Austin’s hottest dinner tickets in town.) I immediately noticed how Keith’s modern handmade pieces provided a welcome contrast to the striking food presentation on the plate, its simplicity highlighting the culinary artistry while also making it feel […]

Feelin’ Like a Getaway

It’s true: even though summer is barely over, I’m already craving a little vacay. I know, I know, fall is supposed to be the time of year when we buckle down and refocus on work and projects that may have been neglected during the summer, but I’ve found that the busier life gets, the more […]

Pumpkin Spice Tacos

The fervor with which people rush to Starbucks to have their first Pumpkin Spice Latté of the season has become almost cliché; this year our neighborhood store launched it earlier than ever, and I observed customers actually sweating in the still-90 degree heat while they savored their first spicy sips. Even to a non-flavored coffee gal like […]

Weekend Notes

This weekend is for pulling on cozy socks, curling up with a good book, making big bowls of pasta, and pretending like it’s colder outside than it really is. After spending all of last weekend completely glued to my computer screen as we geared up for our new site launch, I’m determined to let emails wait […]

On My Nightstand

I might say this with the arrival of every new season, but seems to me that there’s no better time to stash a crop of new books on your nightstand than the cozy nights of early fall. Although the temp here in Austin is still hitting 90 degrees on some days, the tiniest hint at […]

Dark Chocolate Pavlovas with Raspberries & Cream

So thrilled to welcome Denise Kortlever of The Little Things blog today, with a special guest post featuring one of my favorite all-time desserts, a pavlova with cream. I love the idea of mastering one basic recipe, then getting major mileage out of it by changing up the presentation. Denise does just that by teaching […]

We Got a Major Makeover!

Yes, we are looking a little different today, and I couldn’t be happier to unveil the all-new site design that we’ve been toiling over for the last several months. Especially in this constantly changing space, I believe that it’s crucial to stay fluid, stay flexible, and keep evolving with technological advances, and my goal with this relaunch […]

Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, friends! You may have noticed that we got a bit of a makeover yesterday with the launch of our all new site design! We’ve been working on it over the last few months, so it’s really exciting to finally see it go live. Stay tuned for all the details on the new features […]