Expert Advice

Butcher’s Block Table

You may have seen this kitchen and immediately started thinking of reasons you need a butcher’s block table. I know I did. For example, the wood is better for your knives as it won’t dull their edges. If you have a small kitchen, then the additional work space can be a welcome solution to limited […]

Patio Makeover

You’d never believe it by looking at this photo, but this patio used to be “a dumping ground for old plants and old furniture” before Sarah Sherman Samuel and her husband gave it a makeover. They built the wooden benches themselves using wood scraps, gave the corner a fresh coat of paint, covered up the rough […]

How to Personalize a Rental

“Rental kitchen.” Those two words can strike fear into the hearts of many renters. The kitchen can be one of the more restricting rooms in the house to decorate, depending on how obliging your landlord is, so it takes a special kind of ingenuity to show your personal style in a rental. Believe it or not […]

Take It Outside

Here in Texas there is a small window between sweater weather and too-hot-to-breathe. And that window is here! It’s time to head out to the patio, balcony, or garden with friends for a pitcher of margaritas and make-your-own nachos. If your outdoor space was a bit neglected during the winter months and could use some TLC, now’s the perfect […]

Get Sprung

One swipe through my Instagram feed and it’s immediately clear that spring is here. Pastels and  florals have officially taken over, but I must confess – that’s not my thing. You won’t find many pastels and floral prints in my neutral wardrobe or my home, but I still like to find ways to express my […]

First Day of Spring (Cleaning)

SXSW is one of the busiest times of the year here in Austin, so it’s no wonder the serene, pared down feel of this room is resonating with me right now. I find that the busier life gets with work and social events, the more I appreciate and value having a streamlined home. I’ve had […]

The Styled Capsule

Last year my New Year’s resolution was to try my hand at the 5 Piece French Wardrobe, and it truly worked to focus my shopping habits. But now our resident style guru Jen has me totally intrigued by the Capsule Wardrobe. I like to set my alarm a bit earlier so I can indulge in the act of […]

Loft Life

The challenge of living in a loft is that you can see everything from every vantage point. And the beauty of living in a loft is that you can see every piece of art, every vignette, and every piece of carefully chosen furniture from every vantage point! Despite the potential for design challenges, I prefer the […]

How to Fake a Headboard

When you’re working with a tight space, or a tight budget, a headboard can be one of those nice-to-have pieces that doesn’t quite make the cut. Don’t get me wrong I love the look of a low bed in the center of a sparse, white room, but in real life (and when you don’t live in […]

Do You Personalize Your Office?

We spend so much time making sure our homes look just right, but often neglect the space where we spend the majority of our waking hours: the workplace. Of course the type of work that you do will determine what’s appropriate for your office — after all, we can’t all have a wall-sized moodboard à la […]

The Multi-Purpose Home

For most of the year our homes function pretty routinely, but during the holidays, they take on so many extra responsibilities. You may bake more cookies this month than the rest of the year combined, host your extended family under your roof, or throw an epic New Year’s eve bash. Since your home is multi-tasking, it’s imperative that your furniture and decor […]

Rethinking Holiday Decor

There are few things in life that can elicit the level of excitement and nostalgia that holiday decorations can. Of course I still get those giddy feelings when I see a beautifully lit tree and sentimental ornaments, but living in a small space now I can’t help but think “yes, but what about storing them the rest of the year?” […]

Dream Kitchen with Vintage Charm

With the first major holiday feast under our belts, I’m getting excited for all the festivities to come. And if I work up the courage to host my own soirée this year, I’ll be taking inspiration from Dianna Agron’s casual yet refined entertaining style, whose kitchen boasts the most beautiful kitchen appliance known to man. If I had […]

The First Thanksgiving

Unfortunately I don’t think I was blessed with the natural hostess gene. I am always in awe of Camille’s ability to create a beautiful experience for her guests and manage to relax and enjoy herself too. So I was more than a little relieved to read Camille’s hilarious account of the first Thanksgiving she hosted […]

How to Hide Your TV

If you’re into movie nights, live sports, or the occasional heart stopping episode of Scandal, then a television is probably a part of your living room decor. It is a rare sight to see one in a design magazine, so it can be a challenge searching for inspiring ways to style them. In this gorgeous Portland loft, […]

Be My Guest

As we head into the first weekend of Austin City Limits Music Festival, I am preparing for house guests. And there is truly nothing like a house guest to light a fire under your unfinished design projects! It is so useful to have a deadline to finally hang those curtains, frame that print, or even replace the lightbulb in […]

Olive & June Nail Salon

I couldn’t believe it when I first saw it, but this sublime sitting area is not the living room of a stylist or a blogger. In a first for this series, today we are talking about bringing home the look of — get this — a nail salon. The phrase nail salon typically conjures up a […]