
13 ways to up your financial game

featured image from the sartorialist When we reconvened in the office for the new year, we realized that almost everyone on our team had some sort of financial resolution: to start saving, to start investing, or to simply start paying more attention to our monthly spending. We decided to look for an expert — someone […]

Ashton’s Casual Bohemian Bungalow

Like many Austinites, Ashton Arthur fell in love with the city’s active outdoorsy vibe and vibrant food and music scenes when she moved here to attend University of Texas in the 90’s… and she never left. Ten years later, Ashton was ready to purchase a home of her own, and when she stepped through the doors of this 900-square-foot bungalow that […]

Happy New Year

image via delacadore 2014 was a big year for us at Camille Styles. We moved in to a new office, released our first book and expanded our audience. It feels great to have accomplished so many goals together as a team. We now welcome the new year with both confidence and curiosity — we can’t […]

The Multi-Purpose Home

For most of the year our homes function pretty routinely, but during the holidays, they take on so many extra responsibilities. You may bake more cookies this month than the rest of the year combined, host your extended family under your roof, or throw an epic New Year’s eve bash. Since your home is multi-tasking, it’s imperative that your furniture and decor […]

The Gift of Gratitude

Is gratitude something that we feel, or is it something that we do? I think it’s both – although we usually think of it as a natural response to good things happening, we can also make a choice to feel it throughout the day, every day. And the thing that I’ve been noticing in my own life is […]

How to Have a Cozy Night In

After all my talk this past weekend of making time to lounge around during the holidays, thought it’d be fun to break down exactly what’s needed for the perfect cozy night in. It may seem like relaxing would be an intuitive skill, but with today’s constant barrage of texts, emails, and our general inability to slow down, […]

DIY Mixed Metal Ornaments

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, thy leaves are so… bare. If you haven’t been collecting and curating one-of-a-kind, heirloom ornaments for the last 5+ years, there’s a chance that your tree is in need of a little love. And while you could go out and buy classic glass balls in bulk, it’s always fun to see what […]

Rethinking Holiday Decor

There are few things in life that can elicit the level of excitement and nostalgia that holiday decorations can. Of course I still get those giddy feelings when I see a beautifully lit tree and sentimental ornaments, but living in a small space now I can’t help but think “yes, but what about storing them the rest of the year?” […]

A Rockette

Ask any one of the 120 Rockettes how her dance career began, and there’a a good chance you’ll get an answer to the tune of: My parents enrolled me in ballet when I was 3 years old. Combine that early introduction to the sport with an annual family tradition that involves cozying up on the couch Thanksgiving morning to watch the […]

Cabin Fever

After watching hours on end of David Lynch’s Twin Peaks on Netflix, I’ve got a bad case of cabin fever — and no, I don’t mean the irritable, restless kind. I mean I am intensely in to all things alpine right now, from these anonymous ism deer socks from j. crew to this fair isle […]

How I Met My Mentor

Lately on the blog, we’ve been talking a lot about female mentorships: the importance of finding someone who’s walked in your shoes before and is willing to share the wisdom they’ve picked up along the way to inspire your ideas and actions. So, I’m really excited to be part of Interview magazine and La Crema Wines Statement Makers […]

Gift Guide for Guys

featured image by brad bridgers for man of the world Year after year, it invariably seems that some of our toughest gift recipients are guys: dads, brothers, boyfriends, husbands… they all seem to know exactly what they like and get most of it for themselves! Truth be told, I love shopping for menswear and guys […]