
Weekend Notes

Happy weekend, lovelies! What are all of you up to on this lovely almost-summer Saturday? It’s been a very full week with photo shoots (this one was epic), hanging with Phoebe and planning some upcoming travel, but overall, it was a great one. There’s nothing better than when work feels more like play, and when […]

How Do You Start the Day?

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to live a balanced life — mainly, wondering if such a thing is even possible to achieve in today’s world (without moving to a remote cabin in the woods and living off my organic garden…which, some days, sounds quite lovely), or are we all destined […]

The Big Reveal :: Camille Styles Studio!

Back in January, we shared the “before” photos and inspiration for our new studio space that was currently in-progress. Well, like most renovation projects, it took a teensy bit longer than expected to get it all photo shoot-ready, but I’m so excited to finally share it here in all its white walled, wood floored, marble counter […]

For all you moms…

Love this shot of my mom and me, taken right before I walked down the aisle 5 years ago. I feel so lucky to have a mom/best friend who’s been by my side for all the big milestones throughout my life, as well as all the little day-to-day moments that are so much more fun […]

Weekend Notes

(Thought this sweet shot of Mimi Thorisson and her daughter was particularly fitting for Mother’s Day weekend. Mimi is definitely one of the coolest, classiest moms I know, and somehow makes having 6 kids – with another on the way – appear effortless. And she definitely makes me want to pick up and move to […]

10 Best Lessons From Our Moms

It’s strange when you stop and think about it: with all the years our moms spent wiping our tears, packing our lunches, and tucking us in at night, there’s only one day a year set aside to appreciate them. It’s a thankless job at times, but an undeniably important one. The lessons instilled in us […]

On My Nightstand

It seems that the busier life gets, the more nonfiction I read… maybe I feel like I’m being more “productive” with my downtime? Probably not the healthiest attitude, but I still have some real jewels in this month’s reading selections, from a look at why we all feel so overwhelmed and how to break the […]

Weekend Notes

Thank goodness it’s Saturday… anyone else in desperate need of a day to hit the slow down button on life and take a bit of a reprieve from the nonstop to-do’s of the workweek? I’ve got brunching, baking, and closet organization on my agenda, and since it looks like temps are hitting the 90’s today, our poolside chairs […]

DIY :: Pressed Flower Gift Wrap

If you caught last week’s round-up of our favorite Mother’s Day presents, you may have a plan for what to give your mom this year… but have you given any thought to how you’ll be wrapping it? After all, gift wrapping is a great way to express creativity and put that extra special touch on […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, lovelies! I’m in Dallas at a conference and doing work meetings this weekend, and while it’s been so good catching up with some of my best blogger friends from around the country, I’ve really missed my usual weekend cuddle time with Phoebe today! Looking forward to getting home and squeezing in some laid-back family time […]

Besties :: Laney and Dawn

If there are any friends we tend to live vicariously through, they’re the ones who live in Manhattan. We couldn’t be more excited to catch up with Laney Crowell and Dawn Spinner Davis on a blustery day in the city for our second installment of “Besties”. An afternoon strolling the West Village with these two […]

Monochromatic Monday :: Etched in Stone

There’s an old French proverb that says, “Write injuries in sand, kindnesses in marble.” Such a lovely way to express the idea that, while negative thoughts and emotions slip from memory, we should keep the gracious acts of others front and center in our hearts. There’s nothing that conveys permanence better than marble (just take […]