Hosting Tips

How to Have the Best Girls Weekend (That Doesn’t Leave You with a Hangover)

Step 1: Get into pajamas.

By Jenn Rose Smith
Girls weekend in pajamas

Music festivals are great and clubbing can be fun, but wouldn’t it be nice to have some quality girl time that didn’t end with popping Advil on a Sunday flight? That’s exactly where our heads were when we planned this year’s Camille Styles team offsite retreat at the WahWahTaysee Resort. It’s a private glampsite with three luxury tents (complete with air conditioning and private bathrooms) just 50 minutes outside of Austin on the beautiful San Marcus River. Our entire team met up at WahWahTaysee for an unforgettable weekend of tubing, sunning, and fireside chats. And the best part? We spent most of it in our pajamas, kindly provided by Katie Kime. In the end, our low key girls weekend brought us closer together and left us feeling refreshed and energized for the week to come. What more can you really ask for? Scroll down to discover our exact itinerary for the ultimate relaxing girls weekend, and don’t even think about changing out of your pajamas.

Glamping girls weekend

The tents at WahWahTaysee are really more like luxury hotel rooms, and we still can’t believe how beautiful they are inside. Each one has a king size bed with luxury linens, hardwood floors, a spa tub and outdoor shower… oh, and you get your own golf cart to cruise around on the property with. Pretty unreal.

Katie Kime pajama gift set

Getting into comfy clothes was our biggest priority for the day. Camille treated us to these adorable gift sets from Katie Kime, who’s known for her playful use of color. We each received a PJ set in one of the newest prints. We love this brand because you truly never know what’s coming next — it could be bananas, floral, or an interesting motif picked up from the designer’s frequent travels. Even the packaging is fun. Who doesn’t love a tassel?

Girls weekend in pajamas

Girls weekend in pajamas

But first… coffee. Each of the luxury tents at the WahWahTaysee Resort comes with it’s own marble-topped kitchenette and cans of ground coffee.

Pregnant mom with coffee

Kat, who’s 8 months pregnant, was very happy to spend the day in one of Katie Kime’s geometric nightshirts. “I’m taking this to the hospital with me!” she said with a laugh.

girls glamping weekend

Caroline brought sheet masks for everyone to try — the perfect lazy morning beauty experiment!

relaxing girls weekend ideasbrunch

what is the size of your baby?

We brought our own groceries with us for an easy brunch (including these croissants from Elizabeth Street Café in Austin).

yoga on the deck

After brunch we hit the deck for a yoga class with local instructor, Jesse Foster. Some members of our team are experienced yogis and others are completely novice, but we all enjoyed Jesse’s thoughtful and stretch-focused class.

yoga on the deck

floating the river

After yoga, it was time to play! We all changed into swimsuits (and our team Like You Mean It hats) for an afternoon of floating on the San Marcos river. Most of us had not been tubing since college, and we’d forgotten how fun and relaxing it can be. We managed to float the entire course, tubes tied together, without anyone flipping over. Now that’s what you call teamwork!
Slicing potatoes

Something about being in the water and sun all day tends to stir the appetite, so we were excited to get back to WahWahTaysee in the evening for our group cooking class with chef Mike Torres of Gold Epicure Catering. cooking class

group cooking classWatermelon and feta summer salad

Together we made a watermelon and feta summer salad, roasted potatoes with garlic and butter, and the best ever grilled steak. The most satisfying meal after a big day on the river!

Camille Styles at the WahWahTaysee Resort

conversation starters

Camille had asked everyone on our team to take the classic Enneagram Test before the retreat. She had also prepared some great conversation starter questions for the evening as well. We spent the rest of the night chatting (and laughing so hard) about our Enneagram personalities, past boyfriends (and eventually more serious topics like Flat Earthers and the Kubrick Moon Landing Hoax theory.) In the end, our girls weekend felt like a luxuriously long hangout where we had all the time in the world to talk and just be together as friends. No hangovers necessary.

quality girl time