Articles from Kelly

How a Pro Athlete Really Eats to Stay in Shape

photo from sassy kitchen As a cyclist who used to ride 50-100 miles every weekend, I know first-hand that how you fuel on and off the bike is key to performance and recovery. However, in the past year, I’ve swapped those weekend rides for lots of travel, filled with important meetings, speaking opportunities, and shorter […]

Do You Have A Food Hang-Up and What to Do About It

For as long as I can remember — at least since grade school — I’ve struggled with my weight. I deleted that sentence at least seven times and almost left it out completely, but I’m confident many of you can relate. It’s an embarrassing confession, and it’s filled with a lot of shame and bad […]

The Unexpected Thing I Learned From Doing a 5-Day Detox

How does that saying go, “You plan, God laughs?” This piece was supposed to be about my wonderful experience with a 5-day detox. And while it’s not too far off, I can’t help but laugh at the fact that I didn’t consider the detox might not go as planned, or the outcome would be much different than expected. You […]

10 Tastemakers Define Wellness (And It’s Not What You Think)

I’ve been thinking a lot about the wellness industry lately — specifically as it relates to what we see on social media and in marketing — this idealized, almost utopian lifestyle for a specific (elite) demographic. You know what I’m talking about, right? Images and posts suggesting you must attend a $30 workout class 5x/week, […]

How To Build A Morning Routine

Living kindly. Let’s talk about this for a second. I get asked quite a bit, What does living kindly mean? And the truth is, living kindly means something different for everyone. When I started this column two years ago, the focus was sharing my weight loss story, and how I made a pact to be […]

If You’re Thinking About Trying Whole30, Read This First

image from cali vintage When my sister asked if I wanted to do Whole30 with her this past August, my knee-jerk reaction was “No way, not another diet!” While I’m still figuring out what works best for me nutritionally — it changes daily based on what my body needs — I am 100% confident that […]

Is Your Crew Setting You Up For Success?

image: lack of color On my very first day as an intern with E! Entertainment, my boss gave me a valuable piece of advice that I’ll never forget. He said, “Work hard, but never underestimate the power of a good mentor.” Eleven years later, this still holds true. I’m not sure if it’s a by-product […]

The Secret to Asking For What You Want

Last April I made a big career decision. After 12 years of working in PR as an entertainment publicist, I hung up my hat and left. But making that decision wasn’t easy. You see, being a publicist was a formative experience for me both personally and professionally. I met some of the most amazing people, […]

Face Your Fears in The New Year with This Life-changing Mantra

The year is wrapping up and I think I speak for a lot of you when I say, oh boy, what a year it has been. For me, it was filled with a lot of change, growth, unexpected adventures, hard conversations, many hours of reflection, and lots of time spent outside of my comfort zone […]

Are You Choosing the Right Friends?

Last April I started to feel really disconnected from my healthy lifestyle. You know those days (or even weeks) when everything just feels off and you can’t pinpoint why? It was weird. I wasn’t looking forward to my beloved morning workouts — they felt more like a chore than something that would make me feel […]

Why You Should Be Meditating

Meditation was a foreign concept to me until very recently. I’ll admit that when any of my friends or colleagues talked about meditating, I immediately envisioned them sitting down in a dimly-lit room, legs crossed, candles lit, with their eyes closed and maybe some soft music playing in the background with a cluster of crystals in […]

6 Ways To Push Yourself During a Workout

Ever reach that point mid-workout where you truly feel like you’re hitting a wall and cannot go on? It happens to me all the time – mostly on my road bike. I’ll wake up, get dressed, have my coffee, grab a bite to eat, and walk out the door with confidence and excitement to crush […]

Why You Should Travel Solo

I can say with enormous amounts of confidence that I know when I need a break. Whether it’s as small as walking away from my desk to grab a bit of fresh air or as big as waking up a few hours early on vacation with friends to have quiet alone time, I’m hyper aware […]

What Happened When I Went Vegan for Three Days

Confession: this Nebraska girl has had a longtime curiosity about adopting a vegan lifestyle. I might lose some followers for saying that – especially those from the Heartland. Nebraskans are wildly proud of their beef. And it’s true, visit any steakhouse in the state and you’re likely to have one of the best steaks of […]

How to Be Active When You’re Strapped for Time

Lately, things have been really busy around here. Most of you already know I work for one of the largest creative festivals in the world (SXSW) and for the next few weeks, finding time to take care of anything outside of work is tough. As I type this, we are exactly four days out from […]

How to Clean Up Your Finances

Much of what I love about this column is that it’s not solely focused on how to stay in shape or eat healthy. Sure, they are very important and I love sharing my experiences with both, but Living Kindly is dedicated to the broader picture of wellness. Wether that be physical, emotional or mental, they […]

Why You Should Stop Waiting

If 2014 was the year I changed my life, 2015 was definitely the year I learned to change my perspective (and quit apologizing along the way). Reflecting on that had me wondering, “What will 2016 bring?” A confession before I dive further: I’m not big on New Year’s Resolutions. The advertisements and overall messages shouting about […]

How to Change Your Perspective

I was having one of those really good days. It began in the morning by hitting a few milestones on the bike. At work, I had a proud moment confirming a super inspiring woman to join our SXSW speaker lineup. And it was a Friday. Donut Friday to be exact. I’d even go so far […]

Why You Should Stop Apologizing

The defining moment for me happened last April. My fellow Rapha Ambassadors and I were headed out for our final and longest day of riding. I looked around at my ride group and took inventory: “fast, fast, great climber, pro, fast, lives on the podium.” Out of everyone, I was the newest to cycling. I […]

Acai Breakfast Power Bowl

Click here to see more healthy power bowl recipes from Kelly! My friend & I shared this acai bowl in NYC last Fall and I’ve been hooked ever since. Full of fruit and antioxidants, but also not too sweet. This is a great option for me before a long bike ride as I need all the fast-acting […]