
We’ve Got 76 Days Left of 2018—Here’s How I’m Making Each One Count

Finish on a high note.

By Kelly Krause
kelly krause 2018 goals

If my math is accurate (there’s a good chance it isn’t), we’ve got 76 days left in 2018. It’s been a doozy of a year – I don’t think I’m saying anything new or revolutionary with that statement, but after the highs and lows of 2018, I’d like to end it on a high note and channel those who inspire me.

So where am I getting my inspiration these days? Well, I don’t have to look too far to find it. Between the many women who are reclaiming their worth and standing up for the things they want in life, I am lit up by their determination and drive. Whether it’s a friend leaving a toxic relationship, an industry pal speaking up and using her platform for good, or the leaders in our communities advocating for change – it seems like every single day there’s a woman in my social media feed or in the news that makes me want to do better.

Last January I wrote about 6 goals that I wanted to accomplish that month, and truth be told, I think I did a pretty good job. It’s cool to look back on these and see what was important at that time – and what I don’t even remotely think about 10 months later. That vision board? Never made it. Saving money? Absolutely nailed it. Stretching? I stuck to it for a bit, but moved to 30 minutes of movement each day instead. Reading before bed? Sadly these days I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillows, so I settled for listening to podcasts while I cook and clean. Less social media, and more silence? Actually did pretty well on this one thanks to some phone boundaries I set2 for myself.

This month’s editorial theme is all about “Dreams,” and I’m taking this opportunity to pen the 6 goals I’m dreaming about, and what I’m doing to get there by the end of 2018. My thinking is: if a lot can be accomplished on a 15 minute phone call, or in an hour of the day, then a heck of a lot can be accomplished in less than 80 days. Scroll down for my list of 7 goals I’m planning to hit by the end of this year.

*featured image by annie ray for atx woman mag

kelly krause stylemaker

image via kelly krause

1. Vote.

Midterms are right around the corner (Nov. 6), and I’ve never been more passionate about exercising my right to vote and be a part of change. I’ve found the resources at VoteSaveAmerica.com and Vote.org to be extremely helpful in learning about candidates, deadlines, and important dates. Admittedly, in the past I was not educated on local issues and didn’t understand their immediate or future impact. I had only focused on presidential elections. I’ve spent a lot of time educating myself, learning, and listening. I encourage all of you to take advantage of the opportunity to vote and show up.

2. Train for a half marathon.

I actually have zero desire to run another half marathon, but I love the discipline and focus required for training for something specific. Plus, I’ve been running since June and haven’t ventured outside of my 3-4 mile range, and I feel it’s time for a push. Most standard half marathon training programs are 12 weeks long, which is perfectly timed to January 1. Will I quit halfway through and stick to spin classes? Tough to tell, but why not try, vs. Google “how long will it take me to train for a half” every weekend?

3. Date.

Yeah, that’s right – date. I’ve been “out of the game” for too long, and truth be told, have never online dated. Oof. I realize telling you that that might make me sound ancient, but I’m a tad old school and am still waiting for my friends to set me up (no pressure, pals). Truth of the matter is, before I didn’t really want to date; now I do, so by typing this and telling the world, I’m holding myself accountable. Wish me luck. Or better yet, set me up! 😉

kelly krause austin tx

image via kelly krause

4. Communicate with clarity.

Sucks to admit this one, but I’ve not been the most direct in communicating what I want and need lately. I’ve been settling for being easy going and accommodating, yet end up not being happy with the outcome. I’ve taken extra meetings to squeeze others in, then missed out on friend time because I was behind in work. That has a snowball effect and contributes to less sleep, weird workout schedules, and odd eating hours. I value directness in relationships, and I need to pony up and be more direct myself. Sometimes I do great at this, but I can do and be better. So what’s my approach with this one? Well, I’m going to speak from the heart and with intention. Be impeccable with my word, and honest with what I actually want. And I’m repeating this mantra: Kelly, you don’t have to do it all.

5. Use my Vitamix.

Hey, I didn’t say these goals had to be lofty. I HAD TO HAVE a Vitamix last Christmas, and was convinced I would make so many smoothies and homemade soups, but alas, this Christmas gift is still in the box in the storage room. I have a habit of not using things immediately and I hope once I pop this sucker out of the box, that’ll all change. I spend so much money on collagen matcha lattes, that it’s time to make ‘em at home and use what I’ve got.

Ingredients for the most Delicious Smoothie with Blueberry, Chia & Mint (my go-to healthy breakfast lately!)

image via kristen kilpatrick

6. Book a Spring vacation.

Never fails, but every March once I finish working a very large festival in Austin, I’m tired and ready for some R&R, yet I never have something booked and ready to go. Not this year. I’m booking a getaway so I have something to look forward to and I’m not scrambling at the last minute. I often wait for my girlfriends to go somewhere, which can be limited on both timing and where we actually go as everyone is operating with different circumstances, so this time I’m booking it, and if I go solo, so be it. I’ve taken many a trip solo, and let me say, Paris is just as pretty with pals as it is alone.

7. Go for one road ride.

You might remember there was a two-year period in my life when I basically lived for my road bike. There wasn’t a weekend I wasn’t on my bike, or traveling the US riding in the most beautiful cities, and exploring new-to-me places. That love affair was cut short in 2017 after I was almost hit by a truck. I was so spooked, that I’ve only been back on my bike a few times. Lately, I’ve been craving early morning coffee & rides with friends, and I’d like to get in one ride before the year ends. I can’t say I’ll fully commit to getting back out on the road like I did before, but I don’t want fear to stop me from doing the things I love.

best workout gear

image via free people

Such a random mix of goals, huh? Isn’t that life though? Some days an actual win for me is getting 8 hours of sleep. Other days it’s coming to a meeting fired up with great ideas. Y’all, I just want to end 2018 on a high note, and feel good and accomplished — so this is where I’m at in life.

What about you? What’s on your mind in the last 76 days of the year?