Colorful Interiors

Claire’s Colorful Vintage Bungalow

Today’s home tour holds a special place in my heart. Now I realize that this sounds like a line from a cheesy romance novel, but I truly believe interior stylist Claire Brody and I were destined to cross paths. Shorty after moving to Austin 6 months ago, I stumbled upon her Instagram account and was immediately drawn to her refreshing style. It was different (in […]

Kristin’s Fearless + Fun Home

Today’s home tour is every bit as colorful and energetic as its vivacious owner, Kristin Gish, co-owner of SUPPLY, Austin-based tastemaker, and all-around social butterfly. The first time I set foot in Kristin’s home was at the baby shower of my friend Kim (also Kristin’s business partner), and I was immediately floored by her unabashed […]

Merrilee’s Artistic Bungalow

There are some homes that instantly lift your spirits just by walking through the front door. Designer Merrilee McGehee’s colorful west Austin abode is one such smile-inducing spot, with creative details tucked into every corner and a vibe that makes you want to kick back with a glass of lemonade and stay awhile. I was first intro’d […]

Miranda’s Magical New Orleans House

photographed by buff strickland We have to admit — as much as we’d like to claim scouting credit — that artist Miranda Lake fell into our lap by some sort of strange magic. We’d just been discussing reader comments in a meeting and lamenting that you (our lovely readers) were ready to see something different […]

Celine & Justin’s Colorful Midcentury Home

photographed by nicole mlakar • celine would like to thank boozer construction and articulated design for work on her home Celine and Justin are my favorite kind of people — absolutely uncategorizable. Sure, they’re both busy being successful physicians, but why should that stop them from being top-notch decorators with impeccable taste for vintage design […]

Sarah’s Colorful Family Abode

Stepping into today’s colorful abode is at once breathtaking, inspiring, and like a big warm hug that invites you to sit down and stay awhile. That last part is no doubt due to the warmth of its owner, auburn-haired beauty, mother of 3, and talented Austin-based interior designer, Sarah Wittenbraker. Yep, Sarah would be easy to hate […]