
What’s On Hand :: Aaron Franklin

Aaron Franklin’s name is synonymous with great BBQ. This fact was most recently illustrated by the (hilarious) national attention given to Franklin Barbecue by Jon Stewart while filming the Daily Show in Austin. And even while being applauded on Comedy Central, and lauded as the King of smoked meat by BBQ elite, Aaron remains level-headed […]

Julia Turshen

Julia Turshen rocks my world. My copy of It’s All Good, the best-selling cookbook she co-wrote with Gwyneth Paltrow, is dog-eared, bookmarked and covered in curry from countless batches of my favorite Roasted Cauliflower + Chickpeas and Mustard. In addition to roasting vegetables with Gwyneth, Julia’s eaten kimchi with Jean-Georges and toured Spain with Mario Batali. […]

What’s On Hand :: Erin Gleeson

A husband and wife leave New York to travel West, and settle down in a little cabin in the woods. Could there be anything more idyllic? This is the real life story behind Erin Gleeson’s inspiring food blog and new cookbook, the Forest Feast. Each week, Erin creates simple yet delicious meals inspired by the seasonal […]

What’s On Hand :: Deana Saukam

It could be the Texas heat, but foodie Deana Saukam places the utmost importance on proper hydration. “I probably drink AT LEAST a gallon of water a day,” she says. “I think I was a fish in my past life. Or a mermaid.” Maybe so, but in this life Deana is the PR/Media/Events Director for […]

What’s On Hand :: Courtney McBroom

Foodie Courtney McBroom isn’t afraid to pour herself a glass of wine, throw on a record, grab a big old Japanese kitchen knife and start chopping. This is especially amazing because most people don’t even own a Japanese kitchen knife, much less possess the confidence to wield one after a glass of rosé. But Courtney […]

What’s On Hand :: Kim Love

When I visit someone’s house, my favorite thing to do is to sneak a peak in their pantry or fridge. It’s like looking through their medicine cabinet…you can learn a lot about a person from what they keep in their crisper, not to mention getting inspired with great ideas for what to stock yourself. In […]

Artist Spotlight :: Ashley Woodson Bailey Photography

Flowers have such a fleeting beauty; we’re reminded as they wilt of how quickly things fade. Photographer Ashley Woodson Bailey is on a mission to remedy the petal problem, and she’s doing it with her camera. Enter flower photography, an art Ash  has been cultivating since she fell in love with les fleurs at age […]

A Whimsical Fantasy Feast

Alice in Wonderland meets Where the Wild Things Are — this is where inspiration for this kids’ fantasy land feast began. Floral designer Carly Blair of Margot Blair and photographer Carli Kiene of Inked Fingers teamed up to create and capture the whimsical wonderland. “I work a lot in the wedding industry, where the atmosphere […]

Little Things :: Tips for Photographing Your Kids

As a professional photographer, I feel very confident I can capitalize on the time I spend with my clients and get really great images that are true to who they are…but when it comes to trying to snap some frame worthy photos of my own kids, I sometimes feel like I literally need to be […]

Little Things :: Kiddos, You’ve Got Mail!

I’ve been dying to share the simplest idea I had for those of you who may be a little like me. I am not a baby book maker. In fact, I purchased and started one for Porter (filled out one page) but never even purchased one for Mary Mae (and she’s almost three). All in all, I […]