
Tropical Green Smoothie

We’ve got a heat wave here in NYC that’s letting us know: summer has officially arrived. The idea of turning on the oven is a joke, and I’m on the hunt for cooling meals at all times of day. Green smoothies are my breakfast of choice which makes things easy in the mornings, and this tropical […]

BLT Brunch Frittata

You say “frittata,” I say “gimme”: especially when it tastes like the lovechild of a BLT and a piece of pizza (without the carbs and the gluten.) A frittata is every savvy hostess’s secret weapon when it comes to serving brunch to a crowd. A few veggies sautéed in a skillet, in go the eggs, […]

Why You’ll Scream For Vegan Ice Cream

Finnish food bloggers Virpi Mikkonen and Tuulia Talvio know a thing or two about healthy living. In addition to creating recipes and blogging about food, Virpi is a certified health coach and Tuulia is a certified yoga instructor. But even health nuts have a sweet tooth, so to satisfy their never-ending craving for ice cream, Virpi […]

This Grain Bowl Will Save Your Lunch Hour

Would you agree that lunch is the meal where it’s easiest to get stuck in a rut? Most days I toss together a quick salad with some protein, or just mash up a sweet potato — but lately I’ve been taking just a little extra time to make a grain bowl (mostly with leftovers from the […]

Why A Salad Is the Best Way to Start Your Day

Would you guys eat salad for breakfast? I have to admit that it’s something I would never have considered a couple years ago, but as I’ve gotten more into savory breakfasts (and started filling my smoothies with loads of spinach), suddenly the idea doesn’t seem so crazy. And there’s no doubt that starting things off […]

2 Incredible Veggie Recipes From True Food Kitchen

True Food Kitchen is undoubtedly one of the hottest lunch spots in Austin right now. Thanks to the light and airy space and the menu full of delicious items that you can’t believe are that healthy for you (they are), it seems that every other lunch meeting I schedule inevitably ends up there. Dr. Weil is the man behind the […]

Sweet Potato Poblano Soup

I’ve been a huge fan of Dr. Weil’s and his sage advice on wellness and nutrition for years, so I was thrilled when the restaurant he co-founded, True Food Kitchen, opened its doors in Austin a couple months ago. The menu is built around his anti-inflammatory approach to food, so I knew it would be […]

Passion Fruit Chia Pudding

We’re having some unseasonably cold weather here in NYC… and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who’s totally over it. Although I’m not quite ready for the humidity of summer, the bright and lovely produce of the warmer months is sounding pretty heavenly right now. In rebellion, I’m eating tropical fruit chia pudding like it’s 80 […]

Spring Onion & Feta Frittata

Spring is in the air! Or at least in my farmer’s market. Even though it has been rainy and cold here in New York, I’m relishing the greener spring vegetables finally available at the market. As it happens each season, I’m completely over all heavy, winter foods and looking forward to light and colorful meals […]

Host a Smoothie Bowl Brunch

You guys know I love my morning smoothie, but sometimes I want to start the day with something that feels a little more substantial and requires, you know, eating. Enter the smoothie bowl, a breakfast trend that I am so on board with, since it (1) allows me to pack a crazy amount of nutrients […]

The Camille Styles Cleanse

As we say goodbye (and good riddance!) to the long winter, I’m probably not the only one who’s thinking about getting a little healthier for swimsuit season spring. I’ve got to admit that a crazy schedule last month (blame it on SXSW) caused me to neglect my workout routine and consume a few too many breakfast […]

Superfood Salmon Salad

You know those “superfoods” we always hear so much about? I’ve taken all my favorites and packed them into one majorly addictive salad that will make your skin glow and give you energy for days. Promise. Watch the video above to see how I massage the kale, mix the vinaigrette, and bring it all together, then […]