
Matcha-Pistachio Chocolate Truffles

Click here to get more “Recipes for a Clean Green Summer Menu” “With decadent dark chocolate, rich and earthy Matcha powder, and heart-healthy pistachios, this is the perfect desert for anyone looking for a feel-good-antioxidant boost. Pack these truffles for a little midday pick-me-up when you’re craving something sweet!” Candice Kumai 

Avocado-Kale Caesar Salad

Click here to see the full “Recipes for Clean Green Summer Meals” story.  “This perfect to-die-for pairing of super-green superfood ingredients is also super simple to throw together-kale, apple, avocado, with some hemp seeds for added omegas. Top with some tangy Light Caesar Dressing and-voila!– a weeknight dinner in a hot second!” Candice Kumai 

Lemon-Soy Edamame Barley Bowl

Click here to see the full “Recipes for Clean Green Summer Meals” story. “The distinctive flavors of lemon, sesame oil, soy sauce, and oregano combined beautifully in this perfectly balanced “power lunch.” I love to use fiber-rich barley as a base for hearty lunch bowls – it has such a great texture and is really […]

Roman Caprese

Click here to see the full “Garden-to-table Summer Feast” story. “We had this salad at a small restaurant in the Monti district of Rome. We ate there three times in one week and always ordered the same thing: Caprese salad, Eggplant Parmigiana and a litre of the house red. Every morning, the owner’s mother would […]

Tomato, Nectarine and Mozzarella Salad

This salad, you guys. There’s a lot I could say about it, but it comes down to this: for a gorgeous, simple, couldn’t-be-more-refreshing summer dish, look no further. It’s no surprise that tomato, nectarines and basil all complement each other so well — they can all be grown in your own backyard this time of […]

Asian Cucumber Salad

Click here to read the full story, Entertaining with DeNai Jones! Photos by Daniele Rose Photography. 

Roasted Salmon and Garlic with Pickled Fennel

Katie and David Turpin love to serve guests this light and savory entree during their backyard parties in Fredericksburg, Texas. Be sure and check out the full feature on Katie and her hill country entertaining style here. photographs by kate zimmerman

Vanilla Chia Pudding with Honey & Berries

It’s that time of year where I avoid “cooking” at all costs. The weather here in NYC has been in the 80’s and humid, so the last thing that’s on my mind is the warmth of a hot oven. These days, breakfasts have been refreshing and quick – smoothies, yogurt, granola, and the like. This chia pudding […]

Kale, Avocado and Watermelon Salad

*editor’s note: While Camille is taking some time to enjoy her new bundle, we’ve invited a few of our favorite foodies to stop by and share their most loved seasonal recipes. We’ve still got Kate’s Spring Potato Pizza on our minds, and thought we’d lighten things up a bit with today’s perfectly summery salad, brought to us by the […]

Strawberry Thyme Yogurt

Strawberry season has come early this year and I can’t get enough. I love them most when raw, so over greek yogurt is always a great, easy option. But for just a little more effort (and a lot more flavor), strawberries are also amazing when macerated with a savory herb, like thyme or rosemary. It makes […]

Simple Spring Scramble

The markets are filled with amazing Spring produce and I couldn’t be more excited. Now that it’s finally warming up and feeling like Summer, all I want to eat are raw vegetables. There’s nothing like a good scramble, especially when it’s packed with vibrant, green things. This one is super tasty & features my favorite […]

10 Superfoods I’m Never Without

Seems like there’s always a new “it” superfood popping up in the news, from bee pollen to spirulina to chia seeds. But what’s the element that makes a so-called superfood… truly super? Since there’s truth to the saying that “you are what you eat,” my definition is a fresh, whole food that’s naturally bursting with vitamins and minerals, […]

Build-Your-Own Soba Noodle Bowls

Buckwheat soba noodles are my current jam. I never really cooked with them until recently when I started experimenting with some Asian noodle-y dishes, and now I can’t get enough. Their heartiness can stand up to all kinds of raw and cooked vegetables, and since they’re bursting with nutty flavor, they really don’t need the cheese […]

Garden Fresh Cocktails for Spring

If your mom is anything like mine, her drinking habits are… well, minimal. No matter the occasion, you can bet that her first glass of wine will be her last, and shortly thereafter it’s straight to bed (no shame mom, we both know that’ll likely be me in a few years.) That being said, there’s no […]

Creamy Oatmeal with Rhubarb & Ginger Preserves

The first signs of spring are finally showing up here on the East Coast — and one of my favorites is the fresh rhubarb that’s suddenly available! After a long winter where citrus were the only in-season fruits, I’m ready for something bright and juicy. This oatmeal is the perfect simple breakfast bowl to remind you […]