
The New Rules for Dinner

We’ve all been there — seated at a table of fifteen girls trying to figure out the bill at an expensive restaurant. In the end, you’re not quite satisfied. You paid too much, ate too little, and could only talk to the girls seated directly next to you. It wasn’t quality time, and yet it […]

What Henry Wears

Before I had Henry, I have to admit that I thought girls had all the fun when it came to fashion: could a boy possibly compete with the thrill of picking out sweet dresses and girly accessories for Phoebe? Well, turns out that Henry stole my heart to such a degree that everything is as thrilling as […]

Weekend Notes

Hi guys, hope you’re having a great weekend so far! We’re doing our best to soak up the last vibes of summer with a trip to the farmers’ market, a homemade batch of frozen margaritas, and mainly just spending as many hours in our swimsuits as possible. Can’t believe it’s the last weekend before Labor […]

Do You Suffer from Sentimental Clutter?

It’s 2 am and I’m sitting on my bed staring at a crumpled piece of paper that reads “Welcome to Idea City”. It’s the front page of a welcome packet from one of my first real jobs — as a studio designer at the advertising agency GSD&M. I’m 8 hours into tackling the contents of […]

Weekend Notes

Hey guys! What are y’all up to this weekend? After a really busy workweek for both Adam and me, it’s been nice to just chill the last couple of days. We got last-minute childcare for an impromptu date night on Friday (bliss!), and the rest of the weekend has been lounging in the pool with friends, […]

How to Stop Being Late All the Time

I have a problem, and there’s no getting around it: lately, I’m constantly running late. Even though I don’t think that most of my friends would describe me as an especially late person, the truth is that I’m always running slightly (5 – 10 minutes) late almost everywhere I go, and the constant rushing often leaves me feeling stressed […]

Jen & Ralph

Dog lovers rejoice! We’re kicking the week off with a heartwarming third installment of our new Fox & Hound series. Today’s subject: none other than Jen Coleman, 1/2 of the duo behind Ascot+Hart and famously, the @targetdoesitagain Instagram account. When Jen’s not curating collections for her online shop or styling inspired outfits, you can find this Texan […]

A Power Bowl for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

It feels great to be training for something again with a pretty specific goal in mind. That’s when I really dial everything in and regain the focus I sometimes lose when cheese plates, summer shindigs and rosé season are in full swing.  I’m traveling to Boulder, CO at the end of August to reunite with […]

How to Become a Bookworm

There are only a few things I love more than snuggling up in a blanket and diving into a great book … usually. But how easy is it these days to trade in our books for another dinner party, another movie night out, or a few extra minutes of sleep? Lately I’ve been craving some quality […]

How to Host a Weeknight Party

Weeknights are one of my favorite times to get together with friends. Not only is it an unexpected time to have a party, but the anticipation of a social event makes a middle-of-the-week workday so much more fun! I know, I know: the thought of cooking, hosting, and cleaning up sounds like a lot to tackle after […]

How to Open a Bottle of Wine

Wouldn’t life be infinitely more glamorous if we automatically knew how to correctly handle all things adult, like properly opening a bottle of vino?  We enlisted Master Sommelier (and the most inspiring wine expert we know) June Rodil, who is the Wine & Beverage Director at McGuire Moorman Hospitality, to give us a spill-proof, step-by-step introduction to this life skill that we should […]

How To Help A Depressed Friend

We’ve all experienced it. We’re going about our business– going to work or school, and then one day we wake up and just don’t quite feel right. Maybe nothing has triggered it, but maybe it’s a bad break-up, a job you’re unhappy in, or just the hard transitions of every day life. For some of […]

Kelly & Samson + Ellie

Up next in our Fox & Hound series is Kelly DeWitt. You likely know her as the mastermind woodworker behind KKDW, or the genius behind this fun summer DIY, but to Ellie and Samson, she’s just Mom. Keep reading for a glimpse into Kelly’s life with her two hilarious fur babies… Your name: Kelly DeWitt, owner […]

Weekend Notes

Can’t believe that August is here! This has been one of those weekends that makes me wish summer would last forever. Patio brunching with friends, swimming for hours, grilling dinner at dusk with a glass of rosé in hand… It’s definitely my favorite time of year. Although I have to admit that I did spend […]

Do You Have Instagram-xiety?

From the day I posted my first image of two air-brushed cowgirls on a truck tailgate, I’ve been hooked on instagram. I love the platform for it’s simplicity, hunt-ability, and intimate quality. For me, it’s primarily a vehicle of discovery. It’s where I found the Hotel Costes, the killer style of a lady named Sydney […]

Weekend Notes

I have to admit that I’d been feeling a little “off” this week — just kind of down-in-the-dumps for no other reason than possibly hormones and tiredness. Yesterday I decided that I refused to waste a gorgeous summer Saturday by being in a bad mood, so I put my to-do list on hold and spent the day splashing […]

Are You a Cryer?

I’m Chanel, and I’m a crybaby. I know what you’re thinking — I haven’t heard that word used since elementary school — but there’s no other way to describe it. I’m moved to tears over the news, movies, songs, commercials, on my yoga mat, at graduations, weddings, births, deaths, you name it… I’m the girl sniffling obnoxiously in your ear […]