
Seeking Sanctuary

By Jenn Rose Smith
Art Studio Inspiration Board

Art Studio Inspiration Board

Hello, dear readers, and happy Monday. I hope that Saint Valentine visited each of you this weekend and left you with a bit of chocolate, poetry, or perhaps a flirty text from the cute guy at the office. Michael and I decided to jet off to Jamaica for a long weekend, and I’ve returned to work feeling inspired (if not a bit sunburned). We stayed at a hotel property built around the former home of author Ian Fleming, famous for his hugely successful James Bond series. There was a newspaper article framed in the lobby — a story titled “How to Write A Best Seller” — where Fleming famously quipped, “Luckily, I had an island hideaway.” Michael and I sipped rum punch and imagined Ian overlooking the ocean, dreaming up Bond’s next adventure. We talked about the necessity of a studio — an isolated and sacred place for the creative process to happen. When Hemingway was young and living in Paris, he liked to go to cafes to write, but only the ones where he didn’t know anybody. I’ve always dreamed of a backyard studio — just a sort of sanctuary where one could paint, write, play music, or take photos. It would be messy, and always changing. But how wonderful! Where do you go when you’re seeking sanctuary for your creative process?

image sources: alicia vikander in the danish girl, goldeneye resort, abstraction blue by hilda, pablo picasso in his studio, carolina herrera baez’s home photographed for architectural digest spain, volto di donna by henri matisse, georgia o’keefe’s studio, writings by cy twombly, portrait of ernest hemingway, la fiancée de el nuit, the natural home by hans blomquist

Comments (4)

  1. Chanel Dror says:

    I DESPERATELY need a studio/workshop. Sanding a giant armoire inside my 1100 sq .ft. apartment just might have been the last straw…

    1. Libbynan says:

      Chanel,dear, it’s “she shed” time! You and Camille need to build one in her backyard. I can see all of you girls now….. in your darling little cluttered, bohemian shed. Use reclaimed wood and windows and doors and a metal roof and pile used rugs on the floor. Junk shop tables and chairs and homemade floor cushions…… let me come and help! My daughter and I are collecting materials to build one in her yard this summer.

  2. diane smith says:

    At this moment, my “studio” is my kitchen island.
    I do my best work in the middle of the night, when everyone
    is asleep. Having a studio not attached to my home sounds
    like a dream!

  3. Andrea McAlister says:

    You are more than welcome to you my studio/art room any time. It is so messy, I am over it. I need a cleaner space to create. Every time I am in there, I end up cleaning and not creating.

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