Cocoa Green Smoothie
Read the full story (and watch the video of us making!) 2 Delicious Smoothies to Pump You Up!
Read the full story (and watch the video of us making!) 2 Delicious Smoothies to Pump You Up!
Read the full story (and watch the video of us making!) 2 Delicious Smoothies to Pump You Up!
Couldn’t be more excited to finally share the first post in our brand new video series! Y’all know that I’m a big fan of smoothies for breakfast, and in today’s video I challenge Chanel to a smoothie-off to see who can make the most delicious one. I make mine with bananas, spinach, cacao, and almond butter, and Chanel […]
Around this time of year, I start craving soup a few times a week — there’s nothing that warms the body and soul quite like it. And since we’re eating extra clean this month, I asked food blogger and wellness coach Lisa Bryan to stop by with her favorite healthy soup recipe this winter — and boy did she […]
As I read through Tarica Navarro’s interview answers, I’m reminded why we launched our “Entertaining With” series to begin with. Raised in Thailand (arguably one of the planet’s top culinary destinations), Tarica’s been a foodie most of her life. But it wasn’t until a fortuitous dinner in India that she realized the value of sharing in a meal with others, and also […]
See the full story here! *recipe from Nom Nom Paleo, photography by Wynn Myers
Hey peeps, we’ve been working on some really cool video projects that I can’t wait to share here soon. It’s the first time we’ve concepted and produced our own videos strictly for the blog — people have been asking us for ages why we didn’t do video, but I had to find a personally compelling enough […]
Sweet, salty, creamy, crunchy — all the things a great appetizer should be! I love experimenting with snack-y bites to serve before dinner parties, and the two main requirements (aside from being delicious) are that they must take 5 minutes or less to make and require no more than a handful of ingredients. These caramelized […]
Well it seems we all survived the first full workweek of 2016, and I hope it was a great one for you! Things felt extra busy around here — we did a cool interiors shoot for an upcoming pub, launched a new video project that I can’t wait to share with y’all, and spent a […]
Like many of you, I’m dedicating myself to a handful of workout goals in 2016, and since food is usually top-of-mind for me (ha) it begs the question: what should I be eating before exercise? When it comes to pre-workout snacks, I have a few requirements: a good mix of protein and carbs for energy, […]
Who says that January means ridding our homes of sweets entirely? I’m a proponent of finding healthy options that satisfy my sweet tooth (which is relentless this time of year) and also happen to be guilt-free. And these cold months certainly call for something warm and delicious. This breakfast tart is sweet, delectable and – believe it or […]
Who’s resolving to start the day with healthier breakfasts this year? Let us know! We want to see how you’re working towards all your 2016 goals with the hashtag #ViveLaResolution. Whether it’s a nutritious meal, a new skill you’re developing, or a healthy habit, post it on Instagram with the hashtag and tag @camillestyles in the image. We’ll be regramming […]