
Weekend Notes

By Camille Styles

tropical fruit

Happy weekend, friends! On Friday, my phone accidentally got run over by a car (seriously), so the last couple days have become an unintentional digital detox. I’ve got to admit, I’m thinking about making it a regular thing — it’s been so nice to not feel shackled to my phone, and to not give into the impulse to check my email or social media whenever I have a few minutes of downtime. I’m thinking about writing a full post about the experience as it’s been a bit of a wake-up call, so I’d love to hear if any of you have tried a digital detox, and what it’s been like in the comments. And as always, enjoy my favorite links from around the web this week! xo

Why you’re still dehydrated even after drinking sooo much water.

These colorful, layered smoothies are practically works of art.

10 unexpected ways to get your way in a negotiation.

How to remove that red wine stain in your favorite pair of white jeans.

Breaking down what the term “natural flavors” even means.

How to shop the farmers market and prepare an entire meal.

Complete this out-of-office checklist to ensure a stress-free vacation.

10 fresh body scrubs to test out during the season of exfoliation.

Why it’s important to have friends in other life stages.

Finally, the stock market explained in a way that anyone can understand.

*and a few things you may have missed!

These frosé popsicles are going to be your new favorite summer treat.

What every girl should know about her 401(k).

17 cute suitcases for all of your summer getaways.

How different foods really affect your skin.

This too-die-for fig & lemon crostata inspired by our trip to Italy.

*photo source: @earthyandy