Wake Up Call

Outdoor Voices CEO Tyler Haney Starts Her Mornings with Grateful Breaths and Groovy Vibes

She’s #doingthings pre-coffee.

By Camille Styles
ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

When I walked into the Austin bungalow that Outdoor Voices CEO, Tyler Haney, shares with fiancĂ© Mark Wystrach, I couldn’t get over how much it felt like Tyler — in house form. It’s as sunshine-y and effortlessly chic (with a little quirky thrown in the mix) as the girl behind the brand, and you get the immediate sense of how happy and herself she is here. Full disclosure: I met Ty years ago when Outdoor Voices was still an idea, and it’s been incredibly inspiring to see how my creative friend has blossomed into the business powerhouse that’s built one of the coolest (and most recognizable) active wear brands on the market. Her new home photographs as beautifully as the clothes she designs, and they share a similar aesthetic featuring unexpected color combinations that most people would never dare combine but that somehow totally work – evidence of the Parsons grad’s visionary approach to design.

From music to skincare to her favorite workout, Tyler is #doingthings like she means it, and we’re taking notes. Scroll on to see how one of our favorite founders fills her morning with movement and beauty.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

A painting by Les Rogers is the centerpiece of Tyler’s serene bedroom. Cork floors give a unique softness to the entire space.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

What time is your wake-up call?

6:50 a.m., followed by some snoozing.

What wakes you up each day?

My new pup Juice Newton tends to be my my alarm clock these days.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

Early bird or night owl? And how much sleep do you usually get?

I’m an early bird but shoot for at least 8 hours of sleep.

A signature robe from Hotel Saint Cecilia brings the hotel vibes home.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

I start my day by taking 30 grateful breaths, it helps put my day into perspective and set the tone.

After that, I go straight outside both for myself and for my pup.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

Describe your getting ready routine from start to finish. How long does it usually take?

I’m pretty simple when it comes to getting ready. I take a cold shower after working out to make myself feel more alert, and then moisturize and put on bronzer.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

Shower: morning or night?


What’s your favorite product in your shower?

Davines shampoo and conditioner

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

If you could only put on one item of makeup, what would it be?

Dr. Hauschka’s Translucent Bronzing Tint

Do you stick to the same makeup and hair routine, or do you like to experiment?

Pretty much the same — light makeup and air-dried hair

Shop Tyler’s favorite products:

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

Do you have a signature scent?

El Cosmico by D.S. & Durga

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

Do you plan your outfits in advance, or create them on the fly?

Always on the fly but I do have a couple of pieces that I always go back to and build on, like the OV Exercise Dress.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

Daily uniform:

The OV Exercise Dress, a vintage cropped tee, Spalwart trail shoes, and OV Rec socks

Shop Tyler’s favorite looks:

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

What do you eat for breakfast?

Start with coffee — large drip with Fronk’s Simple Nut Milk.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

Shop Tyler’s kitchen and dining room:

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

Any morning media rituals?

I’ve been really into NPR lately.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

What’s your favorite getting-ready soundtrack?

Anything by Maggie Rogers usually sets me off for a great day.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

Do you work out in the morning? if so, what do you do and for how long?

Always, it helps clear my head and awakens my creativity. I usually do a very recreationally paced 3 miles around Lady Bird Lake.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

An Almond surfboard leans against a wall of the living room, reflecting the couple’s love of getting their daily dose of movement and nature.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

I never leave the house without _____________.


ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

Healthiest morning habit:


Worst morning habit:


ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

This retro-inspired range by Big Chill made me realize what my kitchen has been missing.

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

If you had one extra hour every morning, how would you use it?

Honestly my days are pretty groovy, I wouldn’t change a thing!

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

One word to describe your mornings:

Energizer Bunny Vibes