

Decoder :: The Best End of Summer Scents

August can leave us ladies in quite a pickle: on one hand, fragrance can be a lovely reprieve from inevitable ripeness of our sweatier, stickier state. On the other, the last thing we need is to overwhelm our senses even more with a too-strong fragrance. As someone who has a love-hate relationship with summer (I […]

Pretty Simple :: The Subtle Shimmer

Don’t you just love it when a new eyeshadow or lipstick completely shakes up your makeup routine? As a makeup artist, even I can get in a product rut. We all need our go-to “five minute face”, but it’s good to try and stay open-minded to new products, too. You never know — you might […]

Decoder :: The Best Bright Lips For Every Skin Tone

Despite the fact that I love makeup and embrace trying new products with possibly too much vigor, I absolutely sympathize with women that shy away from wearing bright lipstick. First of all, poppy lipstick shades undoubtedly make a big statement — one that can make some women uncomfortable if they’re used to neutral makeup looks. […]

5 Days of Great Style

I’ve read interviews where some of the most stylish, well-dressed women in the world claim that even they have days when they look in their closets and feel like they have nothing to wear. So it probably goes without saying that most of us earthlings have moments when our wardrobes feel uninspired, yet we don’t always […]

Pretty Simple :: Low Twist Chignon

With the temperatures rising (triple digits here in Texas), that means most of us just want our hair up and off our necks!  Martha Lynn here, and I love the idea of this braided updo as an alternative to a plain pony tail. While this look can work with casual daytime clothes, it’s sweet and […]

The Decoder :: Beach Bag Beauty Essentials

In my summerland fantasy, I make like Anne Marie Chadwick (Kate Bosworth’s character in Blue Crush, one of my favorite movies as a teen) and simply brush my teeth before putting on my bikini, grabbing my surfboard, and dashing to the ocean to hang ten. Unfortunately, my reality is a little more complicated (girly?) than that — […]

My Life Styled :: The Midi Dress

This week marks a big milestone. It’s my first week back to styling since having Parker and it’s come with mixed emotions. While I’m already missing her sweet, soft baby snuggles, it has been really satisfying to be back doing what I love and creating looks. Plus, I have to admit it’s been fun to […]

Office Style :: Hotel San Jose

Austin’s beloved Hotel San Jose serves as a favorite watering hole for locals, a must-visit spot for boutique hotel lovers from across the world and as one of the overall iconic epicenters of cool in the city. We stopped by for this month’s installment of Office Style to find out more about some of the […]

10 Best Summer Hats

One of the best things about summer is fully indulging my love affair with hats. (You’ll rarely see me on a hot day without my favorite straw fedora from JM Drygoods.) It’s an accessory that serves so many purposes: protecting fair skin from the harsh summer sun, adding a bit of flair to a ho-hum […]

Pretty Simple :: Coral Lip

This summer I’m finding myself skipping the reds and pinks and going for a bright coral lip. As with any bold lip color, you can go lighter on other areas on your face and let the lips take center stage — that means high impact with a minimal effort (which is an A+ in my […]

Besties :: Kate and Claire

When we first created the Besties series on the site, I had this particular pair of stylish creatives in the back of my mind. Claire Zinnecker and Kate Stafford Weaver have both long been part of the Camille Styles team (Kate lends her photographic eye to Pretty Simple and Claire has created dozens of ingenious […]

Double Take :: The Military Jacket

When you bring together two full-time travel writers, story telling and adventure swapping tales at their best quickly ensue. On Ramona Flume’s, who contributes travel stories for a mix of publications like New York Daily News and the Dallas Morning News, first international assignment, she traveled alone through the Colombian Amazon by motorcycle, by foot […]