
Romy and Michele Costumes

When we were brainstorming this year’s collection of Cult Classic Costume Ideas, Chanel brought up this little 90’s gem and everyone was instantly on board. Even though Kristen Kilpatrick was slated to shoot the story, we pretty much had to have her model alongside our resident fitness expert Marnie Duncan of Mod Fitness. So she set the camera […]

Dazed and Confused Costumes

Of all of this year’s Movie Inspired Costume Ideas, this might be the only one that’s an unassailable cult classic. It’s also probably one of the top 5 movies I’ve seen the most times in my life. (And by most times, I mean maybe a hundred.) I love Richard Linklater’s classic movie about the last day of […]

Romeo + Juliet Costumes

Okay, so Camille and I are especially obsessed with Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 version of Romeo and Juliet. We’re close enough in age to where it hit us both at just at the right time to be crazy in love with baby Leo. Teen heartthrobs aside, this movie still slays with it’s killer soundtrack and amazing visuals. […]

Fall on the Farm

Some of my happiest childhood memories are of my family’s farm. For several years, we worked together with my grandparents and cousin to grow summer and fall crops. I was a notoriously picky eater as a kid (living proof that man can indeed live by grilled cheese sandwich alone). But the garden helped me break […]

Our 10 Favorite Pieces from Target’s New Project 62 Brand

Like most of you, I can’t walk into a Target without checking out what’s new on the home decor shelves, and since we’ve started working closely with their team, nothing’s more exciting than when we get sneak peeks of what’s in store for the season ahead. Well, we’ve got some news that is going to […]

5 Tips For Choosing A Wallpaper You Won’t Get Tired Of

I have enough difficulty picking a pattern I won’t get tired of for my clothes (hence all of the stripes in my closet), so I can only imagine how nerve wracking it can be to pick a wallpaper. How do you make sure it’s not something you’re going to get tired of? And how do […]

Girl Power

Of all the controversial trends that have taken over our Pinterest feeds this year — mom jeans, millennial pink, furry everything — there’s one that we’re 100% on board with. Girl power is hot right now, and when every other graphic tee or Instagram post touts a message of female empowerment, we don’t mind in the least. Best […]

How To Make Over Your Bathroom When You Live In A Rental

Of all the spaces in a house, the bathroom is the one that intimidates me the most. The furnishings and finishes just seem so permanent, it can be hard to know how to incorporate your personal style – especially in a rental. That’s why I was so impressed by this Brooklyn rental makeover by Megan Pflug […]

The Architect and the Collector

When Sharon met Paul Mrozinski in 1977, neither one of them knew that their lives would be changed forever. A small disaster involving a collapsed driveway initially brought them together, but it’s their uncanny ability to work creatively side-by-side that has made them inseparable ever since. Sharon (a designer and antique dealer) and Paul (an architect) […]

Has Millennial Pink Jumped the Shark?

First we called it “blush”, then we called it “Acne Pink” (after the clothing studio nailed the shade with their signature shopping bags). Finally, the internet decided that this shade demanded it’s own hashtag: meet #millennialpink.  If design history has taught us anything, it’s that when a single color becomes ubiquitous across fashion, interiors, and graphic design, it’s destined to […]