
The 10 Minute Travel Workout

Today, so many people travel regularly for their careers. Travel can totally throw off any semblance of a fitness routine, but it doesn’t have to! Check out these moves that can be done right from the comfort of your hotel room while watching TV – you can even time these to the length of a […]

These 5 Moves Will Get You Ready for Cocktail Dress Season

Just when you thought you’d be spending the next few months blissfully burrowed under layers of turtlenecks and wool coats, surprise! Just like that, cocktail party season arrives and suddenly you’re debating whether or not to flash a little pasty beautifully pale skin in a festive mini. Believe it or not, there’s still time to get cocktail dress ready, […]

Tighten Your Tummy in 5 Moves

For many of us, it’s the holy grail of getting fit: finally achieving a tight, toned tummy! Now that I’m 4 months post-baby, most of my body thankfully feels back to normal, but I’ve got to admit that those flat abs that came so easily to me in my twenties haven’t quite reappeared. Since I’ve […]

3 Moves for Great Arms

Gwyneth, Victoria, all three of the Jennifer’s… what do they have in common besides enviable wardrobes and stellar careers? If you guessed “amazing arms,” you’d be darn right, and I’d bet money that those ladies worked hard to get them. For today’s post in our new fitness tutorial series, we asked Marnie O’Donnell, owner of MOD […]

6 Yoga Poses for Relieving Stress

Given the amount of time we spend sharing fitness tips around the office and going to workout classes as a team, it’s a wonder it’s taken us this long to dedicate a regular series to staying fit. Whether you’re a mindful yogi, a die-hard Crossfitter, or finding yourself out of the workout game altogether and in need […]