Are You Drinking Water the Wrong Way? An Expert Shares Her Optimized Hydration Hacks
If you’re feeling dehydrated, here’s where to start.
If you’re feeling dehydrated, here’s where to start.
Your thumb will thank you.
A nutritionist shares 6 ways to get in balance.
Science-backed ways to reignite desire.
Brighter days ahead.
Consistency over perfection, always.
Here’s to radical honesty.
Clarity starts with a checklist.
It goes without saying that the holidays are a magical time. And as wonderful as I find the twinkling lights and snow-dusted sidewalks, the most magical part of the season is the tradition of giving, both to those you love and to those in need. There seems to be an innate desire to do something good for others at this time […]
If you’ve not yet been acquainted with the beautiful world of Simone LeBlanc, allow me to do the honors. As LA’s most trusted source in specialty gifting, Simone works wonders curating gorgeous gifts, then magically packaging them in the most sophisticated, jaw-dropping gift boxes. With the holiday season officially here, we knew we wanted to get her on the site to […]
Are you guys in crazy holiday mode yet? This morning I took a look at my social calendar for the week, and for the first time this year felt that jolt of winter anxiety… so. much. to. do. And with my first gift swap this Thursday (and Hanukkah starting this Sunday), I’m already kicking myself for […]
It’s starting to get real cozy around here. I’ve got my turkey ordered and place cards written for this Thursday’s feast, and I’ve got to admit that I’m possibly even more excited about putting up our Christmas decorations the next day. Did I mention that I really love this time of year??? This weekend I have […]
If you ask me, Mandy and her dog Addison get the award for the all time best-accessorized duo to ever grace our Fox & Hound series. Just one look at this precious pooch has me feeling like my Fall wardrobe could really use some attention… starting with a human-sized version of that tartan vest, pretty […]
It’s an age-old problem: You’ve been hit with a case of wanderlust. The moment it strikes, there’s no turning back. It’s all daydreams of beach escapes and cozy hideaways, of passports and highways that lead anywhere and everywhere. But not every trip can be a glamorous jaunt across countries, so what to do when you […]
I’ve always been one of those people who likes to have 5 things going on at once: when I’m “watching TV,” you’ll most likely also find me scrolling through Instagram, doing my nightly stretches, flossing, texting, or all of the above. The problem with always multitasking is that it prevents me from ever being fully present in the […]
Back from Hawaii this week and still smiling every time I think of our time there; the tropical flowers, salty air, incredible ocean/mountain views, and freshest fish I’ve ever tasted left an indelible impression on my mind. We had some amazing experiences — a helicopter ride all over Maui, and the day that Adam and […]
Do you guys follow any pet Instagram accounts? It feels like just when I thought I knew about all the social media big dogs, I’m told to check out a new four-legged Instagram celeb that steals my heart. Enter Kokoro and Chibi: Emily Wang’s furry duo who are so adorable, West Elm made included them […]
It’s hard to pigeonhole Jenni Kayne’s talents into one job description — as the designer of a luxury clothing line and the blogger behind Rip & Tan, the mother-of-two is the leading lady of classic, effortless style as we know it. So of all the subjects we’ve featured in our Fox & Hound series, leave it to Jenni to make […]
You guys — I’ve been anxiously counting down to today for the past several weeks. As you read this, I’m on a flight to Maui for our first family vacay since Henry was born! I have been seriously craving some time to unplug and inhale the fragrance of tropical flowers, eat tons of sushi, go for […]
Oh, the mental block. The frustrating, inglorious, inevitable enemy of all creative minds. Whether you utilize your creativity in your career or in your leisure time, we all share that unnerving dread that comes the moment you realize your creativity is nowhere to be found. In search of some advice on tackling a creative rut, […]
We’ve all been there… You’re rushing to get ready for people to come over: dinner’s in the oven, lipstick’s on, playlist is ready to go. Only prob is that in the mad dash to get ready, your house didn’t exactly get any attention and now you’ve got exactly 15 minutes to make it presentable for guests. Since […]
I was having one of those really good days. It began in the morning by hitting a few milestones on the bike. At work, I had a proud moment confirming a super inspiring woman to join our SXSW speaker lineup. And it was a Friday. Donut Friday to be exact. I’d even go so far […]
I find it bizarrely fun to hear about what foods people dislike. It’s fascinating to learn that friends I may have a lot in common with in other areas don’t share my passion for sushi or sweet potatoes. The other day, my mom and I got an endless text thread where we listed all the foods we didn’t […]
Morning friends! I’m taking it a little slower this morning after two long days and late nights at the ACL Festival. We’ve totally lucked out with the most sunny, beautiful weather, and it’s weekends like these that make me extra happy to live in Austin. Yesterday, we took Phoebe to the shows for a few […]
Tuesday blues got you down? If you ask me, there’s nothin’ like a dose of puppy love to turn things around, and today’s pooch-of-the-hour is one who always puts a smile on my face. You might recognize Chelsea Fullerton Jones as the mastermind behind Go Forth or the subject of this gorgeous feature, but to me, she’s mama to […]
I’ll be honest – sitting down to write this post was more of a challenge than I expected. I’ve always considered myself a confident person: I thrive in groups even when I don’t know a lot of people, I’ve never had a problem with public speaking and I love meeting new people. I’m an extrovert, […]
Oh, laundry… can anyone out there say that they truly love doing it? (if so, tell me your secret!) Laundry can be a drag, but since it’s an inevitable part of life — for most of us, multiple times per week — we might as well learn to do it really well. After all, those […]
Happy weekend, friends! I’m headed to NYC today for my first trip out-of-town since Henry was born, and I’m feeling a little sad and also super excited. It’ll be a quick trip – barely more than 48 hours – and a whirlwind of meetings, lunches, and appointments. I can’t wait to breathe in the cooler […]