45 Things to Do on Your Phone When You’re Bored—That Aren’t Scrolling
Your thumb will thank you.
Your thumb will thank you.
A nutritionist shares 6 ways to get in balance.
Science-backed ways to reignite desire.
Brighter days ahead.
It’s easier than you think.
Here’s to radical honesty.
Clarity starts with a checklist.
Foster closeness with every word.
I’ve met a lot of really cool, successful and interesting people, especially while on this journey and I always have the same question for them: what inspires you? More times than not, it’s either a person (family member, group of people) or a mantra they think about often to keep them going. Me personally? I’m […]
Happy weekend, darlings! Hope yours has gotten off to a great start. I’ve taken a couple weeks off from posting our usual Weekend Notes, since frankly, time has been a precious commodity since Henry was born, and also, I’ve been making a conscious effort to set a slower pace during these summer weekends and not try to do […]
Confession: We’re a bit dog-crazy around the office. Even though I’m the only dog owner among us, that doesn’t keep everyone from spending half the work day talking about breeds we love, sharing must-follow dog Instagram accounts (have you met Piggy & Polly?), and googling puppy photos. So in an effort to open up the conversation to you guys, […]
If y’all are following #CSBookClub on Instagram, you know that I’m currently making my way through The Untethered Soul, a weighty read by Michael A. Singer that explores the questions of who we are, and how we can discover our true identities through consciousness. It’s giving me a lot to think about, and so far, the […]
She posted what?! From where?! Saying what?! Sorry, but aren’t some things supposed to be private? Today we’re asking one of the many controversial questions that surround modern day social media — how real is too real? We’ve all been there: you’re scrolling through your feed halfheartedly, taking in the lattes and the flowers and the OOTD’s, when something out of the ordinary […]
When I was in my early twenties, I was already gripped with fear over aging. My religious application of anti-wrinkle cream every night definitely got some laughs at the sorority house. But when I looked to the movies, music, and pop culture surrounding me at the time the message was clear: the world belongs to […]
Hey y’all, happy weekend! Hope you’re having a good one so far. We’re brunching and hanging with our dads to celebrate Father’s Day. I feel incredibly lucky to have a dad who is always there for me and loves me no matter what; someone who I can count on to be there whenever I need him (and even […]
There are a few things in life I know so well that I could easily navigate with my eyes closed: the Whole Foods rosé section, my childhood neighborhood, Neiman Marcus’ makeup department, and the 3-mile loop around Lady Bird Lake. And then there are those things that immediately elicit my famous “uh, what?” face (as […]
First off, full disclaimer: I love weddings. I’m just that type of girl. (I may or may not be the type of girl who has a secret stash of Martha Weddings dating back to the late nineties… but I’ll leave you to ponder that.) But as much as I’ve adored being included in so many […]
As I type this I’m savoring a rare quiet Saturday afternoon: Phoebe and Henry are both napping, leaving me to satisfy a serious urge to bake with this strawberry-almond cake that’s been on my list for awhile. It’s currently in the oven and the scent in my kitchen is making me ridiculously hungry… I’ll let […]
We’re all familiar with the old adage that soup is good medicine, but lately it seems that broth, specifically bone broth, is getting all the attention. You can’t read the NY Times or turn on NPR or the television without hearing a story touting bone broth’s miraculous healing powers for skin, nails, hair and overall […]
Emily Meyer is one inspirational lady, and it’s not just for the obvious reasons. Sure, she co-founded Tea Collection — an award-winning children’s clothing line that’s inspired by global cultures and modern design (and is ethically sourced!). And yeah, she’s a wife and mother to two adorable kids — Clement (age 6) and Georgia (age 4). But […]
The Right answer: I’m religious about slathering on my SPF 50 every day, rain or shine, regularly reapplying at 3 hour intervals and after getting out of the pool. Plus, I always wear a hat with a big brim to keep all those rays off my face! We’ve only got once chance to protect our skin, […]
Happy weekend, lovelies! Thanks for all the sweet birthday wishes here and on Instagram — it has been a great one! After abstaining from raw fish throughout my entire pregnancy, all I really wanted this year was an epic sushi feast — so Adam and I celebrated with our first post-baby night out on the […]
Happy long weekend, darlings! The forecast is calling for a grey, rainy Memorial Day around here, but I don’t mind: all we have on the agenda is hunkering down with our new babe, visiting with family and friends who stop by, and probably binge-ing on our latest HBO addiction, Veep. This first week with Henry has […]
For most of us, half the battle of clean eating lies is making sure that healthy food is always conveniently close at hand. Let’s face it: when we’re craving an afternoon snack, we’re probably not going to wash and cut veggies for a salad when it’s so much easier to reach for the cupcakes sitting on the counter. […]
Just popping in to say that Henry Neil Moore has arrived! I went into labor right on my due date, and we welcomed our (8 lb 11 oz!) baby into the world on Sunday. He has already brought so much joy into our lives over these last 3 days, and we’re looking forward to a couple of […]
A couple of weeks ago, I had a business meeting at a coffee shop and decided to order scrambled eggs with buttered toast. Such a simple, satisfying breakfast, right? Yet while I sat eating it, I started feeling this nagging sense that maybe I should be fueling up with something a little… cleaner. Visions of kale smoothies, avocado on […]
Once I learned the importance of brightening up my meals with as many color-rich vegetables as possible, my attention zoned in on all greens. I wish I could credit this shift to their great taste, endless recipe potential and nutritional bragging rights, but the truth is — at age 5, when I found out my […]
I’ve loved getting to post the design process behind our upstairs remodel (check out Phoebe’s “Big Girl” room here, and baby H’s nursery here), and today I’m super excited to share our new playroom that’s destined to become the most popular spot in the house as our kids grow. Ever since Phoebe was born, our living room […]