The only thing more satisfying than finding photos of a jaw dropping home? Seeing the before photos. This home’s before photos weren’t particularly offensive, it looked quite nice actually, but Amber Lewis’s design touch made for a stunning after. Homeowner Susan Anderson said she wanted “a casual California aesthetic with rock ’n’ roll undertones,” and now I’m totally convinced that that’s what my home is missing: a little bit of rock ‘n’ roll. Concert posters may evoke images of college dorm rooms, but framed in this setting with its classic symmetry they look like art. A shining example of this is Jenn’s poster collection, which oozes cool, Austin nostalgia. Keep reading to see my picks for bringing this look home.
Mobile Chandelier -The inspiration room has amazing, black-framed windows, and this mobile chandelier echoes those clean black lines.
Joshua Tree print – The black and white George Byrne landscape helps sets the tone in Susan’s living room, but at well over $2,000 it doesn’t fit my current budget. One day I’d love to visit Joshua Tree and have my own photo blown up, until then I’m loving this beautiful “Bent Not Broken” print by Brooke Morgan.
Mudcloth pillow – It was super difficult not to default to a kilim pillow, but when I found this mudcloth from Burkina Faso fell for its graphic print, and isn’t quite so ubiquitous.
Gibson Sunburst guitar – The quickest way to make your room feel a little bit rock ‘n’ roll? An exquisite musical instrument. Bonus points if you can pick it up and play a few lines, but there’s always YouTube.
Sofa – The symmetrical layout of the living room helps create a classic foundation. Finding a sofa and chair layout that works for the flow of your room can be one of the biggest challenges in the living room, so if you’re struggling to find a layout that works in your living room, consider this easy formula of two small sofas and two armchairs. This one may be Ikea, but the low price point makes buying two more manageable.
Vintage sombrero – Part objet d’art, part party prop waiting for its shining moment, hats are one of my favorite home accessories at the moment.
Striped rug – You may have seen this Ikea rug everywhere, but it is such a close match and a fraction of the price – it’s too good to pass up. If over time it starts to look tired, use it as an outdoor rug instead.
Concert posters – It would be ideal if you had old posters from epic festivals you attended to frame and hang, but just in case you don’t, this Camp Voodoo poster by Mishka Westell and The Relatives poster by Noel Waggener can help you fake it.
Cactus planter – In addition to being l-o-w maintenance, cacti set just the right tone for this room. Yes, plants have a tone – you wouldn’t expect boxwood topiaries in such a casual space.
Hoop chair – Vintage and antique shops always have a pair of interesting armchairs that just need a little TLC. When your sofa is so simple you can really play with shape and color more in your armchairs.
*inspiration photo by Tessa Neustadt for Amber Interiors
Love all of these pieces to evoke a rock n roll feel!