
Mandy & Addison

By Chanel Dror

Mandy of Waiting on Martha and her dog, Addison

If you ask me, Mandy and her dog Addison get the award for the all time best-accessorized duo to ever grace our Fox & Hound series. Just one look at this precious pooch has me feeling like my Fall wardrobe could really use some attention… starting with a human-sized version of that tartan vest, pretty please. Of course, we’ve followed the stylish adventures of Mandy from Waiting on Martha for years, so we couldn’t be more excited to get to know her fur-baby today…

Cavalier King Charles

Your name: Mandy Kellogg Rye, Founder & Creative Director of Waiting On Martha

Your dog’s name, breed and age: Addison, Cavalier King Charles, 6.5 years old

  1. How did Addison come into your life? My husband, Anthony, and I were getting ready to leave town for a friend’s wedding, and while I was running an errand, he spotted Addison at a Chicago pet store that rescues dogs and cats from time to time. We immediately fell in love, but couldn’t adopt her that moment as we were literally on our way to the airport. We decided that if she was still there when we got back, it would be fate and she was meant to join our family. Needless to say, we rushed back to the store the moment we got back into town, just minutes before they locked up for the night. And as fate would have it, she was still there. We took her home that night and the rest is history.
  2. Your favorite thing about your dog: Her freckles and sassy personality.
  3. Your favorite thing to do together: Cuddle. I was never a fan of cuddling until Addison came into our lives.
  4. What’s the weirdest thing Addison does? She barks at any and all animals on television.
  5. And the naughtiest thing she’s ever done: When she was a pup and teething she chewed the legs of a vintage bench I had scored while antiquing.
  6. If Addison were a person, living or dead, who would she be and why? Wait, she’s not a person?!

adorable profile on a girl and her dog

*photography by Kathryn McCrary