
Pecan & Coconut Granola with Yogurt & Berries

By Camille Styles
gluten-free coconut pecan granola with yogurt & berries

Granola is one of my biggest weaknesses. I think it’s something about that sweet-salty-crunchy combo; if I know it’s in the pantry, resistance is futile. Since I’m not planning to ban granola from my life any time soon, I’ve been making lots of homemade versions that are way healthier than the processed sugar-laden ones you usually find at the store, and I’ve officially crowned this one the clear winner. Served alongside a scoop of greek yogurt and berries with a drizzle of honey over it all, it’s hard to think of a more delicious way to start the day.

Speaking of which, it’s not too late to sign up for our #31Mornings challenge! We’ll be giving away a $1,000 Gift Card to Lululemon and two $500 Gift Cards to Whole Foods Market, so hop on over to sign up right now and join us in making 2017 our best year yet. Keep reading for the recipe for this granola…

The granola starts with a basic formula of oats, nuts, coconut oil, dried fruit, and honey, then allows you to swap out the specifics based on what you have on hand. Any types of nuts and seeds can be used instead of the pecans and pumpkin seeds, and cranberries or raisins could certainly be subbed in for the dried fruit. Though I highly recommend tracking down some dried mulberries, since everyone who tries this granola seems to remark on their unique, not-too-sweet flavor.

I’m a big fan of pairing this with a 1/2 cup or so of greek yogurt for a luscious, creamy factor that makes this feel like eating dessert for breakfast. If you’re dairy-free, coconut yogurt is a good option, too.

The key to getting that golden brown crunch is letting this cook low and slow… at 275 degrees for an hour and a half, to be precise. There are honestly no words for how delicious this smells — like one cozy cinnamon-y hug perfuming the entire house.

The granola keeps well for at least a couple weeks in an airtight container, so you’ve always got a delicious and healthy breakfast at the ready on busy mornings. Phoebe and Henry love to eat bowls of it with milk, and it also adds great crunch to a bowl of plain oatmeal.

And here’s my perfect breakfast. A scoop of plain greek yogurt (look for brands without a lot of sugar, like Siggi’s) topped with berries and persimmon, and a big sprinkle of the granola.

If you want to get fancy, coconut flakes, edible flowers and a drizzle of honey make it highly Insta-worthy.

Are you guys cooking up any new healthy breakfast ideas for 2017? We’d love to hear about them in the comments!

*photos by Kate LeSueur

Pecan & Coconut Granola with Yogurt & Berries

Serves 4 cups of granola

Pecan & Coconut Granola with Yogurt & Berries

By Camille Styles


  • 2 cups rolled oats (gluten-free)
  • 1 cup pecans, chopped
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons flaxmeal
  • 1/3 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1/3 cup coconut flakes
  • 1 teaspoon flaky sea salt
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3/4 cup golden raisins or mulberries
  • sprinkle of cinnamon
  • for serving: yogurt, berries, honey, coconut flakes


  1. Preheat oven to 275 degrees. In a large bowl, stir together all ingredients through the cinnamon. Use your hands to make sure everything is very well coated by the coconut oil and honey.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, then spread the granola in an even layer.
  3. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 275, then raise  the temperature to 350 and bake another 15 minutes or until the granola is golden and toasted. Set aside to cool -- it will get crispier as it cools.
  4. Serve with yogurt, fruit, and honey!

Comments (11)

  1. robert says:

    This is very similar to a recipe I make… I add 1 cup of shredded coconut, use almonds instead of pecans, raisins instead of mixed berries, omit the cinnamon and lemon zest, and use olive oil instead of coconut oil. ? Absolutely delicious!

    1. Camille Styles says:

      yum!! that sounds SO delicious.

  2. karen says:

    This is very similar to a recipe I make… I add 1 cup of shredded coconut, use almonds instead of pecans, raisins instead of mixed berries, omit the cinnamon and lemon zest, and use olive oil instead of coconut oil. ? Absolutely delicious!

  3. Rachel says:

    i followed this recipe and my granola was burnt to a crisp after 45 minutes :(. it’s not even edible! The only thing I did differently was used cashews instead of pecans, and omitted the vanilla. Had the oven at 275 degrees. any idea what could have went wrong? Bummed because it looked like it was going to be delicious!!

    1. Camille Styles says:

      Hi Rachel – that’s so strange! I’ve made this granola countless times, and it’s never burned. I have a feeling it has to do with the difference in our oven’s temperatures. I’d recommend turning yours down as low as it will go (225?) and then just checking it after 40 minutes or so. Also, making sure that it goes on a parchment lined baking sheet and not a foil-lined, since foil is too reflective and can increase the temp. Good luck and let us know if you give it another try! xo

  4. Michelle Keller says:

    There is a descrepancy in the commentary of the blog and actual recipe instructions with regard to cooking temperature and time…is it 250 for an hour and a half or 275 for an hour and 15 minutes then 350 for 15 minutes…looks delicious and want to try it! Also, have you ever thought about including nutrition information for recipes you post? I’m a fitness pal, macro watching girl and would love to see that in the future!

    1. Janine says:

      My granola was also over done. I actually pulled it out early or it would have been burnt to a crisp. I followed the recipe but after going back and reading the whole post I noticed in your notes that you have a different baking temp, length of time and no mention of turning the oven up to 350. Since I invested in all of the ingredients and still have plenty to make another batch I’d love to know how you actually make it. Thanks!

      1. Camille Styles says:

        Hi Janine – I’m so sorry to hear that your granola burned! The recipe card reflects exactly how I make it. Since all oven temps are a little different, my advice would be to try turning yours down a bit to 250, and start checking it after 45 minutes to see how it’s doing. Take it out whenever it’s golden brown and crisp! And be sure that you’re using a parchment-lined baking sheet, not foil lining. Good luck!

  5. Beth says:

    My granola was burnt to a crisp also after one hour and 15 minutes at 275.

  6. Madison says:

    Camille, I’ve shared this recipe on my blog I love it so much with a couple links back here (I hope that’s alright). I’ve absolutely love the #31mornings Challenge this was such a great way to start off the New Year!

  7. Logan parker says:

    These look heavenly. I LOVE healthy things that taste good! Wow these look delicious! Thanks for sharing. All the best Gamevillage

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