A Glamorous Brooklyn Brownstone
Where should we put our things?
Where should we put our things?
Personal pitches are hard enough, but what if you’re trying to stop what you’re currently doing and try something new? As the founder of a career platform for women, I spend my days speaking with people who want to change careers but aren’t interested in starting over. They’re terrified that taking risks might mean losing everything […]
When Chanel and I were on our whirlwind trip to Charleston last month, we fell completely in love with the design, the owners, and of course, the incredible food, at Italian spot Le Farfalle. At first glance, one could easily mistake its modern interiors for those of a buzzy Italian restaurant in New York or San Francisco: soaring […]
I’ve been thinking a lot about the wellness industry lately — specifically as it relates to what we see on social media and in marketing — this idealized, almost utopian lifestyle for a specific (elite) demographic. You know what I’m talking about, right? Images and posts suggesting you must attend a $30 workout class 5x/week, […]
I looove honey for its complex flavor and versatility – I add a spoonful to everything from my morning coffee to my favorite vegetarian chili. We use it daily at our house, so when the National Honey Board asked me to team up to create some ‘Golden Moments’ throughout the month of September for National Honey Month, I […]
Happy weekend, friends. I’m overwhelmed reading the news this morning and seeing the latest devastation from Hurricane Irma — it’s unimaginable that while our fellow Texans are still in the midst of recovery from Harvey, and so many islands have already been hit hard, Florida is gearing up for more devastation. We’ll continue sharing about […]
Just one look at her gorgeous instagram feed reveals Mollie Brown’s talent for scouting and buying textiles. She and her husband Graham Brown (a TV content producer) share a love for travel, and for bringing home the absolute best artifacts and souvenirs from far away places. After spending time with good friends who live there, the couple fell particularly in […]
*ed. note: So excited to launch our newest series on the site that we’re calling The Wellness Report, where we’ll be testing out the trendiest (and often weirdest) wellness practices we’ve been hearing about – and reporting back with our results. Many of these practices have been around for centuries, but I (Camille) kicked it off with a relatively new […]
Sifting through emails isn’t exactly an exciting task. Whether it’s a last minute request from a coworker, a bill pay reminder, or just yet another spammy sale email from that one online clothing site that you can never remember to actually unsubscribe from, facing a crowded inbox causes more stress than we’d like. So we […]
As much as I love summer, there’s something about those back-to-school vibes that still give me a chill (in a good way) and make me want to swap out my sandals for cable-knit tights. Growing up, there were two annual events that always softened the blow of summer’s end: the annual fall shopping trip I […]
At the end of each season, I like to do a mini closet clean-out to keep me organized and help streamline my wardrobe. My rule of thumb is to donate any seasonal clothes that I didn’t wear this year, because let’s face it: if you didn’t wear that tank top this summer, chances are you’re not going to be […]
2017 has been an exciting year of travel for me. I’ve been to Tulum, Mexico City, Todos Santos, Barcelona, and June marked my first ever trip to Italy. While never unpacking your suitcase offers it’s own off-the-rails kind of fun, it tends to go hand-in-hand with never buying groceries, overspending, and forgetting that the concept […]