
Brandy Joy Smith Takes Us Inside Her Sunday Nighttime Routine

Self-care is crucial for our contributing editor and busy mom of two.

By Sacha Strebe

Just like a good night equals a good morning, a happy Sunday brings a happy week. In this series, we explore the end-of-week rituals of people we admire to discover how they prioritize respite and calm to reclaim their rest before the Monday madness hits. Next up, our motherhood contributor, Brandy Joy Smith shares her Sunday night routine.

If you look up Sunday nighttime routine, chances are your search results will offer tips on how to prep ahead for a productive week. While we’re all about being efficient with our time, truthfully, your official day of rest should be focused on one thing: you! This is a time for self-care (and no, you don’t need a $150 jade roller to do it), to reclaim your rest, and take stock before the Monday madness hits.

That’s why we’re kicking off our new editor series focused on their Sunday nighttime routines. Each month we will highlight their end-of-week rituals that provide much-needed respite and calm while reducing overwhelm before the busy week begins. In the same way a good night equals a good morning, a happy Sunday brings a happy week.

This week we’re spotlighting our contributing editor, Brandy Joy Smith. As a certified NLP maternal wellness coach and mom of two, it’s safe to say Smith has her hands full so “squeezing” in a self-care routine each Sunday is key to her happiness (and sanity!).

Read on to learn more about her Sunday nighttime routine and as a friendly reminder, while we do list all of the products she uses, carving out time for yourself doesn’t require you to purchase anything. Just holding space for yourself is a form of self-care.

images by Zachary Gray

Sunday nighttime routine

6:30 PM: Dinner Wraps, Clean Up, and Kid’s Bedtime Routine

After our family dinner, my husband and I divide and conquer with him starting bath time and me cleaning up the random toys thrown across the house (as well as cleaning up the dishes from dinner). We turn down all the lights in the house to remind our kids that it’s time for them (and us) to wind down. I actually really enjoy my alone cleaning time—it settles my thoughts for the day and allows me to focus on being present for the last hour my children are awake. 

After the bath, we get the kiddos into pajamas and read a story as a family. Lately Buenas Noches and I Love Us have been on repeat. Then we recap the day and talk about what we’re grateful for. We also try and frame up what will happen tomorrow even though my kids don’t fully understand, especially Norah. I think it gives them a sense of structure for the day to come.  

When they’re finally tucked in I try and squeeze in my routine which can vary somewhat depending on how tired I am.

self-care routine

7:30 PM: Sunday Nighttime Routine Begins

First up is getting my head right. I put some Klur Body Oil in my hands and take a deep breath in. I love the scent and it forces me to reset, and focus back on myself. It’s on the pricier side so I save it for my Sunday nighttime routine as a treat.

After that, I use a dry brush on my body. I love the Gilded Body brushI find the practice of dry brushing really helps to shed my dry winter skin. This is followed by a quick shower to rinse the sloughed skin off and scrub my feet (Olive & June make a lovely foot file). Then I move on to my pre-shampoo hair mask. Following the mask, I apply the goop Himalayan Salt Scalp scrub. I use both of them twice a month and it really helps to remove build-up and extend my blow drys. Lastly, I wash my body and face and shave with my Billie razor. If I don’t shave on Sunday there is no telling when I’ll have time for it during the week! 

After that, I grab a book and draw a bath. For some reason, I like taking a bath once I’ve cleansed. I started using Epsom salt in the bath postpartum to help me heal from giving birth—I haven’t stopped using it since. It’s nothing fancy, just the OG Mr. Teals fragrance-free! I typically put on a face mask while I’m in the tub, too. Right now, since I’m battling dry skin from the heaters in our home, I’ve fallen in love with this one from Tata Harper.

If the universe is on my side, my bath typically lines up with the time my husband is heading to bed. He always brings tea and water, and I have my tea in the bath. I’m not sure if it’s the ritual or the actual tea itself but that pretty much helps me start getting sleepy. Once I get out of the bath I throw on my Klur Body Oil again get in my pajamas—I’ve noticed since the last pregnancy I get really hot at night, so I’ve been sleeping in this organic cotton oversized tee by Mate the Label. Their clothing is sustainably sourced and made here in LA. Once my skin is hydrated and I’m dressed, I start my teeth, hair, and skincare routines.

Wow, writing this out makes me feel high maintenance! 

Nighttime Routine Breakdown


  1. Floss.
  2. Brush. We went electric last year and I could never go back!
  3. Whiten. My husband and I are doing smile makeovers this year with vVardis. This kit is amazing, and the first step to brightening our smiles.


  1. I’m all about the Crown Affair brush and comb. They even have brushes with timers to promote scalp stimulation.
  2. Reverie Milk Anti-frizz Leave-in Nourishing Treatment
  3. Throw it in a bun with a scrunchie.


  1. To remove my makeup and the grime of the day, I use One Love Organics Botanical B Enzyme Cleansing Oil + Makeup Remover.
  2. Next up, Josh Rosebrook Hydrating Accelerator Toner. This is a combo moisturizer, toner, and hydrator.
  3. Juice Beauty Stem Cellular Anti-Wrinkle Booster Serum.
  4. After I’ve applied the Juice Beauty serum, I work it in. I love using my rose quartz facial roller and rose quartz gua sha sculpt tool from Skin Gym.
  5. I use the Juice Beauty Stem Cellular Anti-Wrinkle Eye Treatment around my entire eye starting at the inner corner.
  6. After applying the eye cream and serum, I then massage in the Stem Cellular Anti-wrinkle Moisturizer generously to my face, neck, and décollatage.

skincare routine

And there you have it. Don’t forget, this is my Sunday routine, not my every day. Sometimes I’m blessed to have a moment to brush my teeth let alone wash my face!

What does your Sunday nighttime routine look like? Share your rituals with us below.