Articles from Camille

9 Dry Shampoos That Will Bring Your Locks Back to Life

The day of a big event or a night out, I usually blow-out and style my hair in the morning since I know I probably won’t have time to do it later. But by 6 o’clock, my fine hair has almost certainly lost it’s “oomph.” For reviving limp locks, dry shampoo is my ultimate secret weapon; with a few […]

Weekend Notes

Morning friends — happy weekend! After an action-packed work week, we’re savoring the loveliest low-key weekend around here. On Friday, Adam and I found ourselves with an impromptu kid-free evening, and I’d forgotten how much I love a cozy date night at home. We made this burrata salad, followed by poké bowls, shared a bottle of rosé […]

Your Cheat Sheet for the Perfect Vinaigrette

The first time I ever asked a chef to divulge a secret recipe, it was for a salad dressing. My parents had taken me out to a fancier-than-usual dinner to celebrate my 16th birthday, and we all fell in love with the house salad — which was surprising, since it was really just a simple mix of field […]

Apple Cranberry Steel Cut Oats

Click here to read the full 2 Breakfast Recipes that will Reinvent your Morning story! One of my favorite things for fall: a warming bowl of healthy, comforting steel cut oatmeal, with the flavor turned way up by adding apples, dried cherry, cinnamon, and pure vanilla extract.

Spicy Avocado Toast

Click here to read the full 2 Breakfast Recipes that will Reinvent your Morning story! The breakfast food that is everywhere but that’s still impossible to get tired of because it’s so darn delicious: avocado toast. There’s something about those flavors that come together to form the perfect bite, and I’ve been upgrading ours with a pure spicy […]


In case you didn’t get enough of Sicily on my Instagram feed, thought I’d pop in on this holiday with a little recap of our trip — it was one of those places where it was literally impossible to take a bad photo, and I just have to share them with someone (#CantStopWontStop). So bear with […]

“Kitchen Sink” Halloween Chocolate Bark

I’m a little mystified as to why I haven’t experimented with chocolate bark before, because (a) it is ridiculously easy and so delicious, and (b) I’m not sure that I’ve ever had so much fun making a dessert! You can get real creative with throwing in all kinds of toppings (like I did here), marbling different […]

Entertaining With Joey Wolffer

I can’t think of a more fitting subject to cap-off a sunshine and rosé-filled summer than the queen of pink wine herself, Joey Wolffer, who co-owns her family’s namesake vineyard and has helped turn it into the liquid accessory of the summer. Speaking of accessories, Joey also runs The Styleliner, a mobile fashion truck that features independent […]

Weekend Notes

Morning y’all! Checking in with a short post today — I’m a little jet-lagged and also wanting to spend every waking second with Phoebe and Henry this weekend after being in Europe for 8 days (and traveling for 24 hours to make it back to Austin.) If you’ve been following on Instagram, then you got a few […]

Over-The-Knee Boots

The number one sign that fall has arrived? (and no, I’m not talking about pumpkin spice lattés.) The arrival of a beautiful new pair of boots on my front porch, and an absolute craving to start wearing them despite the still 90-degree temps here in Austin. I’ve always been a boot girl; once October rolls around, I pretty […]

Spaghetti Squash Pasta with Goat Cheese, Arugula, & Bacon

You know when people say that a spaghetti squash pasta tastes “just like real pasta?” I hate to be the one to break the news, but usually, they’re kidding themselves. (It doesn’t help that, by the time you read this, I’ll be in Sicily eating all the pasta in sight… So I’m a little biased […]

The Lipsticks That Beauty Experts Can’t Live Without

They say that nothing makes you feel better than buying a new lipstick, and I’d have to agree: it’s the quickest, most affordable “splurge” that can improve a bad day and make you feel instantly more confident. But it’s equally great to have one go-to lip color in your arsenal that can always be relied upon to […]

Weekend Notes (from France!)

Can’t believe that by the time this post goes live, I’ll be in France getting ready for Chanel’s chateau wedding in the Loire Valley tonight. Our team has been counting down to this day for months, and I can’t wait to see the girl who started as my very first intern 6 years ago (and […]

Get Ready for Fall With These 7 Gorgeous Upgrades

On a routine trip to Sephora last September, I impulsively picked up a face mask that listed pumpkin as one of its main ingredients — who knew that the squash infuses your skin with antioxidants and gently exfoliates? I brought it home, opened the jar, and instantly my shower was filled with the most luscious […]

Why the First 10 Minutes Might Be the Most Important Part of Your Day

It only took Kelly’s post and about 15 episodes of this podcast to finally convince me to give meditation a try, and after two weeks of consistently starting my day with 10 minutes of Headspace, I’m already feeling more grounded, calm, and overall way more mindful as I go about my day. I think the reason it took […]

An Exciting Site Update! (and Weekend Notes)

Happy weekend, y’all! I’m really excited to share a few tech updates we just launched on the site — mostly subtle changes to improve the overall experience, but there’s one that I wanted to call out since it’s in direct response to reader requests we’ve been getting over the last several months. Our slideshow format has […]

Layered Chocolate, Banana, & Date Shake

September is a month of new goals and fresh starts, and for many of us, that holds just as true in the food and drink departments. Did anyone else feel like the last half of summer held a few too many opportunities for overindulgences? I definitely hit my limit over the Labor Day weekend with 3 days […]

These 12 Mascaras Are the Best of the Best

I have a feeling that most women’s “desert island” makeup choice would be mascara. There’s nothing that adds polish and prettiness quite like it, but there are also about a thousand different options (with new ones hitting the market daily) claiming longer, thicker, curlier, fuller, or more natural lashes. How’s a girl to choose? We polled […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, friends! Have to admit that I’m dragging a bit after a very late night celebrating a friend’s birthday — and hoping that this strong cup of coffee and a power walk around the neighborhood will help me rally and make the most of this gorgeous sunny Sunday. Do y’all feel like it’s a little […]

How to Setup a Home Recycling Station

I have a confession to make, and it’s a real one that I’m actually a little ashamed to admit. As much as I really do care about the environment and sustainability, we haven’t been that great about recycling at our house the last couple years. (There, I said it! Glad that’s off my chest.) Two kids running […]