
Easy Holiday Decorations That Use Grocery Store Ingredients

Growing up, the holiday event I looked forward to more than anything else was the night we decorated the Christmas tree. We’d turn on holiday tunes, pour mugs of rich cocoa topped with plenty of marshmallows and get to work unpacking the boxes of ornaments we’d brought down from the attic. Later that night, we’d watch […]

You’ll Never Believe this Floral Designer’s Flower Farm

We’re big fans of the visionary floral designer, Ariella Chezar. She was among the first to abandon the uber modern, tightly-bunched floral style ubiquitous in the 90s for a looser, more natural approach to arrangements. Some might even say that her 2002 book, Flowers for the Table, single handedly changed the entire industry. In any […]

Announcing Our Next Big Design Project

I’ve always been a big believer that our surroundings have a huge effect on our mental and emotional state, but it wasn’t until we moved into our renovated studio space that I realized how much an inspiring environment can truly spark creativity. The light pouring in through the windows each morning makes me so excited […]

The Essence of Mary Lou

A few months back we received an email from a reader in Kansas City named Kelly. She wrote to us saying that her mother (and longtime reader of our site) Mary Lou Fickel would be turning 77 years old on Monday, October 30th. Mary Lou has always loved our Mono Monday series and she even […]

How To Pull Off A Well-Collected Home Without Clutter

While I consider myself an aspiring minimalist when it comes to my home, I also feel right at home in an antique mall. The collections of Depression glassware, vintage hats and antique chairs really get me going, but how do I exercise my love of these things and avoid my number one enemy: clutter? This […]

Do You Know the Names of These Fall Flowers?

If there’s one workday errand I always love, it’s being the one who gets to drive over to Austin Flower Company and pick out flowers for a shoot. So when Camille had the idea for us to create a simple guide to fall flowers, I jumped at the chance to oversee the project. I knew […]

Why Mustard is the New Shade for Millennials

We love millennial pink as much as the next girl, but after a couple years of looking at everything through a blush colored lens, we’re ready for a new color to reign supreme. And with fall slowly but surely sneaking up on us, we’ve found ourselves favoring richer tones to keep us feeling cozy. Although […]

So You Wanna Buy A House? Here Are 5 Things You Should Know

For me, houses have always been an obsession. It started around 1999, when my family made our big move from my parents’ “starter home,” to their “forever home.” And from that point on, I was often found feverishly scouring listings in the weekend paper, drawing floor plans in my bedroom late at night (such a […]