
Inside Our Friendsgiving Feast with Target (the video!)

Welcome to the season of colorful leaves and scents of cinnamon wafting from the kitchen. For my latest seasonal celebration with Target, I invited my coworker besties to join me for a cozy Friendsgiving meal around the table. Watch the video above to see it all come together, and hop right over here for the recipes, […]

The Best Brussels Sprouts Dish You’ve Ever Had – Bacon Included

The thing about brussels sprouts is – they can be so good, or so very, very bad. Depending on the preparation, you could end up with roasted sprouts that are charred and crispy-caramelized on their leafy edges, or steamed sprouts that are mushy and watery (eww.) And then there’s the seasoning to think about, because […]

Why Mustard is the New Shade for Millennials

We love millennial pink as much as the next girl, but after a couple years of looking at everything through a blush colored lens, we’re ready for a new color to reign supreme. And with fall slowly but surely sneaking up on us, we’ve found ourselves favoring richer tones to keep us feeling cozy. Although […]

This Pumpkin Spice Smoothie Is Your Fall Breakfast Solution

It’s easy to make fun of the omnipresence of pumpkin spice everything at this time of year; sometimes it feels like it’s hard to step outside without getting a whiff of those familiar fall flavors, much less sit in a coffee shop. But if we’re being honest, can we just all agree that it’s a cliché […]

Your Guide to an Easy Fall Picnic

With the temps finally cooling down a bit here in Austin, I’m embracing every possible chance to get outside and soak up the sunshine and cool breezes. And now that I’m working downtown, Adam and I have been trying to squeeze in a few lunch dates — our offices are only a few blocks from […]

This Dinner Party is Giving Us All the Coastal Vibes

Cities like New York and Los Angeles are filled with stylish creatives, but it takes a certain perspective to leave the fast pace of the cities behind for considerably quieter Rhode Island. That’s exactly what Jess Ann Kirby and her boyfriend Craig did after five years of bouncing back and forth between those two cities. […]

11 Steps To Hosting The Best Bachelorette Party Ever

Don’t get me wrong, I love matching one-pieces that say “SQUAD” as much as the next girl. But when the time came to plan my BFF’s bachelorette party earlier this year, my co-hosts and I knew there had to be more. After countless brainstorming e-mails and texts back and forth, the three of us had […]

Mollie Brown’s Travel-Inspired Entertaining Style

Just one look at her gorgeous instagram feed reveals Mollie Brown’s talent for scouting and buying textiles. She and her husband Graham Brown (a TV content producer) share a love for travel, and for bringing home the absolute best artifacts and souvenirs from far away places. After spending time with good friends who live there, the couple fell particularly in […]

How to Throw a Back-to-School Shower

As much as I love summer, there’s something about those back-to-school vibes that still give me a chill (in a good way) and make me want to swap out my sandals for cable-knit tights. Growing up, there were two annual events that always softened the blow of summer’s end: the annual fall shopping trip I […]

Girl Power

Of all the controversial trends that have taken over our Pinterest feeds this year — mom jeans, millennial pink, furry everything — there’s one that we’re 100% on board with. Girl power is hot right now, and when every other graphic tee or Instagram post touts a message of female empowerment, we don’t mind in the least. Best […]