
21 Items I Want to Add to my Wardrobe This Fall

In the spirit of transparency, I have selfish reasons for writing this post. Every year, I intend to put a little more planning into fall shopping. My imaginary plan: I build a streamlined wardrobe that’s made up of entire looks that go together, and each season I strategically add a chic mix of investment pieces and lower-priced items. What really happens: Since […]

Fall Quesadillas with Apple, Radicchio & Pomegranate

It always happens around September 1st, just like clockwork: I’m relishing the warm weather and wishing that summer would never end, when BAM! I feel a cool breeze and leaf through the September issues of all my mags, and suddenly I’m as obsessed with fall as this guy. Without a doubt, my favorite thing about this […]

Organic Romance

It feels like every couple days I’m asked what my “wedding colors” are, and each time, I offer the same underwhelming answer: “I… don’t really have any?” Sure, there’ll be plenty of white and ivory, and lots of greens too, plus some blush, some blues, and oh yeah, there’s that one lilac element too… Since our wedding design doesn’t […]

How to Throw a Cocktail Party in an Hour

Confession: I’m really happy that we live in an age when we can get almost everything delivered at the tap of a smart phone button. As much as I actually enjoy grocery shopping (really I do), my current schedule makes leisurely trips to the market a thing of the past, and the ability to have my […]

How to Make an Israeli Breakfast

Confession: I’ve never understood sweets for breakfast. Pancakes? Donuts? Cinnamon rolls? How are those not considered desserts?! Now now, before you write me off, you have to understand that my judgy palette is nothing more than a product of my childhood. Raised in a culture that takes its breakfasts very seriously, I can’t help but feel a […]

Entertaining With Bonni Taylor

One of the greatest perks of having creative job is getting to meet the coolest women. Case in point: Bonni Taylor, floral designer extraordinaire at Posey, entrepreneur and co-owner of The Little Posey, and as evidenced by today’s story, a home entertaining savant. When on location at a recent event, I couldn’t help but perk up when I […]

Best Bachelorette Weekend Ever!

I can’t think of anyone with more intimate, lifelong friends than Chanel. Our most loveable Team CS producer seems to collect them wherever she goes: middle school, her college a capella group, summer camp, and every job she’s ever had. She’s a self-proclaimed “fun-haver” and her colorful group of girlfriends are living proof — we knew that […]

A Tropical Tiki Boat Party

The dog days of summer are officially upon us. Our skin’s getting (a little) darker, our hair’s getting lighter, and the summer heat is finally starting to wear us out… So last Friday, we decided to play hooky and get reinvigorated on Lake Austin with some cold drinks and good friends. We hosted a tropical tiki boat party […]

Washed Out

When I was fresh out of school and working in advertising one of my mentors asked me, “Do you know what dates a logo more than anything else?” “Um…. the typeface?” I guessed hopefully. “No,” he said with a smile. “It’s color.” He went on to explain that we link very specific hues to different time […]

Bleached Monogram Napkins

I have a new favorite party trick guys — it involves using a bleach pen on any and every textile imaginable to personalize my tabletop accessories. So I’m warning you: though today’s DIY project is my first public foray into the craft, something tells me it wont be the last. Keep reading to learn how […]

Texas Beach Town

The motive for today’s inspiration board is a purely selfish one. My bachelorette party is coming up in a couple shorts weeks and it’s just about all I can think about. So, I thought I’d mix a little bit of work with pleasure by sharing some of the vibes we’re expecting from our destination. The […]

Shop my Ultimate Summer Entertaining Essentials

I’m in my happy place right now. The middle of summer, when dinner parties require bare feet, tomatoes and peaches fill the kitchen countertops, and my most pressing weekend decision is between chilled rosé or a margarita (both, obvi.) When my friends at Bloglovin’ asked me to curate their newly relaunched Shop, I jumped at the chance […]