
Weekend Notes

Morning, y’all — hope you’re having a great weekend! It’s felt like a bit of a marathon around here lately. After getting back from Miami last weekend, I dove headfirst into the kickoff to SXSW here in Austin, and the last couple of days have included speaking on a panel, tons of parties, and then throwing […]

How to Shop Like a Pro Online

A few weeks ago I found myself at the mall, bouncing from one store to the next, skimming the racks for something new and exciting to add to my wardrobe, when it hit me: I don’t know how to shop in person anymore. Is it just me, or has the shift into online shopping been so profound, that […]

Victoria & Lucy

I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting Victoria Smith of sfgirlbybay in person, but I swear it feels like we’re best friends. Not only was she one of the first bloggers I discovered when I entered this crazy world, but since then, she’s continued to delight readers with her modern bohemian style, her colorful point-of-view, and last […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, y’all. It has been a doozy of a week — starting Monday, I was in and out of bed with a mysterious fever and cough, Adam was out of town so I was home with both kids (thank God for our parents), and work was at its busiest so I couldn’t exactly burrow under […]

How to Learn a New Language in One Year

Texans live surrounded by Spanish. It’s on our menus, our street signs, and on the lips of so many people who live here. But even given all of that (and the four semesters of Spanish I endured during college) I still didn’t speak Spanish back in November of 2015. Rosetta Stone was something I’d been […]

Do You Need a Digital Detox?

Gluten detox? Check. Skincare detox? Done it. Digital detox? Hmmm… I’m gonna need to get back to you on that one. The other day I was at dinner with a wise friend who also happens to be a nurse, and I confided that I’ve been having some issues with insomnia lately (should that be a post?) […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, friends! Anyone else feeling especially happy that it’s the weekend? No matter how much I love what I do during the week (truth), by the time Friday rolls around I’m usually craving a break to turn it off, hang with the fam and not feel the constant need to be productive. I’ve been trying somewhat […]

6 Life-Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sweaters

Ever been heartbroken to see your favorite sweater meet an untimely end? Or wondered what to do with your winter weather splurges once springtime rolls around? Well, the ladies behind The Laundress are here to answer our every sweater query. Meet Gwen Whiting and Lindsey Boyd, the founders of the Laundress, a line of environmentally […]

How to Clean Up Your Finances

Much of what I love about this column is that it’s not solely focused on how to stay in shape or eat healthy. Sure, they are very important and I love sharing my experiences with both, but Living Kindly is dedicated to the broader picture of wellness. Wether that be physical, emotional or mental, they […]

Weekend Notes

Happy Valentine’s Day, lovies! I’ve got to admit I’m a huge fan of this holiday (probably doesn’t come as a surprise if you’ve taken a look at our homepage lately.) Roses, handmade cards, and endless chocolate? What’s not to love? Adam and I celebrated together early, so today is all about spending time with our two […]

What’s Your Love Language?

Have you ever looked back on a breakup years later and thought to yourself, “you know, some of that might have actually been my fault, too”? …yeah, me neither. (Just kidding.) But in all seriousness, it’s incredibly common for relationships and marriages between well-meaning people to suffer from passion-fueled miscommunication. And when you’re in the […]

Weekend Notes

Happy Sunday! I’m curled up in front of the fire on this chilly morning, trying to decide whether to make pancakes or bundle up and go to my barre class. The former admittedly sounds more fun right now, but I know I’ll be really glad later if I choose the latter. Especially in preparation for the […]

How to Keep Romance Alive

I’ve never talked much about my own love story on the blog — not for any particular reason, it just never seemed that relevant. Which is funny, since meeting Adam was a defining moment of my life and one of the very best things that’s ever happened to me. We met at work and got […]

How to Set Up Your Record Player

Sure, wooden crates filled with record collections make for an amazing decorative detail, and all our favorite tastemakers all seem to have a turntable strategically perched in their respective stylish living rooms. But a lot of you may still be wondering: why vinyl? My good friend Paul (a fellow music lover, and symbolically, the person […]

Liv and Reynold

If you happened to catch our wellness makeover announcement earlier this month, then you already know we’re excited to approach 2016 with an overall focus on health and well-being. Taking a deeper look at our current content, we felt there was an important piece of overall wellness that was lacking: that of dating, love, and […]

Weekend Notes

How do I love thee, Sundays? Let me count the ways… waking up without my alarm, time for cooking experiments and kids’ craft projects, motivation to tackle an organizational project. And then there’s brunch. I love days like this for their sheer unhurriedness — I think that such careful scheduling of my time during the […]

Why You Should Stop Waiting

If 2014 was the year I changed my life, 2015 was definitely the year I learned to change my perspective (and quit apologizing along the way). Reflecting on that had me wondering, “What will 2016 bring?” A confession before I dive further: I’m not big on New Year’s Resolutions. The advertisements and overall messages shouting about […]