
6 Life-Saving Tips That Will Save Your Sweaters

Ever been heartbroken to see your favorite sweater meet an untimely end? Or wondered what to do with your winter weather splurges once springtime rolls around? Well, the ladies behind The Laundress are here to answer our every sweater query. Meet Gwen Whiting and Lindsey Boyd, the founders of the Laundress, a line of environmentally […]

How to Clean Up Your Finances

Much of what I love about this column is that it’s not solely focused on how to stay in shape or eat healthy. Sure, they are very important and I love sharing my experiences with both, but Living Kindly is dedicated to the broader picture of wellness. Wether that be physical, emotional or mental, they […]

Weekend Notes

Happy Valentine’s Day, lovies! I’ve got to admit I’m a huge fan of this holiday (probably doesn’t come as a surprise if you’ve taken a look at our homepage lately.) Roses, handmade cards, and endless chocolate? What’s not to love? Adam and I celebrated together early, so today is all about spending time with our two […]

What’s Your Love Language?

Have you ever looked back on a breakup years later and thought to yourself, “you know, some of that might have actually been my fault, too”? …yeah, me neither. (Just kidding.) But in all seriousness, it’s incredibly common for relationships and marriages between well-meaning people to suffer from passion-fueled miscommunication. And when you’re in the […]

Weekend Notes

Happy Sunday! I’m curled up in front of the fire on this chilly morning, trying to decide whether to make pancakes or bundle up and go to my barre class. The former admittedly sounds more fun right now, but I know I’ll be really glad later if I choose the latter. Especially in preparation for the […]

How to Keep Romance Alive

I’ve never talked much about my own love story on the blog — not for any particular reason, it just never seemed that relevant. Which is funny, since meeting Adam was a defining moment of my life and one of the very best things that’s ever happened to me. We met at work and got […]

How to Set Up Your Record Player

Sure, wooden crates filled with record collections make for an amazing decorative detail, and all our favorite tastemakers all seem to have a turntable strategically perched in their respective stylish living rooms. But a lot of you may still be wondering: why vinyl? My good friend Paul (a fellow music lover, and symbolically, the person […]

Liv and Reynold

If you happened to catch our wellness makeover announcement earlier this month, then you already know we’re excited to approach 2016 with an overall focus on health and well-being. Taking a deeper look at our current content, we felt there was an important piece of overall wellness that was lacking: that of dating, love, and […]

Weekend Notes

How do I love thee, Sundays? Let me count the ways… waking up without my alarm, time for cooking experiments and kids’ craft projects, motivation to tackle an organizational project. And then there’s brunch. I love days like this for their sheer unhurriedness — I think that such careful scheduling of my time during the […]

Why You Should Stop Waiting

If 2014 was the year I changed my life, 2015 was definitely the year I learned to change my perspective (and quit apologizing along the way). Reflecting on that had me wondering, “What will 2016 bring?” A confession before I dive further: I’m not big on New Year’s Resolutions. The advertisements and overall messages shouting about […]

Into the Pale: Is Faux Tanning Over for Good?

At some point over the last decade I did a one-eighty regarding my perspective on  faux tanning… I can’t pinpoint the exact moment the shift occurred, but maybe it was when I picked up a copy of How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are. Or possibly when my remote made a most unfortunate stumble onto the […]

How to Create an Authentic Personal Brand

If you cringe a tiny bit when you hear the phrase “personal brand,” I hear ya — it’s a buzzword that can feel a bit phony, especially when tossed around the social media-sphere the way it often is lately. But when you get to the root of what a personal brand really is (don’t worry, we’ll […]

What Type of Videos Would You Like to See?

Hey peeps, we’ve been working on some really cool video projects that I can’t wait to share here soon. It’s the first time we’ve concepted and produced our own videos strictly for the blog — people have been asking us for ages why we didn’t do video, but I had to find a personally compelling enough […]

7 Tips for Keeping Your Resolutions

The Christmas decorations are packed away and although your feet might still be aching from the three weeks you spent tearing up dance floors, the confetti-flecked dust of the holiday season has finally settled. Time to take on the gorgeously blank canvas of a New Year! Of course with every January comes the same old […]

Weekend Notes

It’s the last weekend before Christmas, and my mood is falling somewhere between excitement for the coming festivities and a twinge of sadness that another holiday season has flown by. I really, truly love this time of year and kind of wish it could last forever… but then I remember that January is around the […]

How to Turn Your Passion into Purpose

Editor’s Note: I’m delighted to end the year telling the story of a personal friend, inspiring athlete and all-around badass woman, Caroline Gaynor. We met over the summer and I was absolutely awestruck by her kindness, selfless heart and background of guiding visually impaired athletes. Around this time of year, I like to reflect on […]

Weekend Notes *Holiday Edition*

Hey guys! I’m sure many of y’all are also in full holiday mode this weekend: trimming the tree, wrapping gifts, and jingle bell rockin’ at parties tonight. These weeks in December fly by so quickly that it feels like a challenge to squeeze in all the requisite holiday festivities before the season ends — but […]