
Your Weekly Checklist for a Clean Green Home

Becoming a grown-up, owning a home, and having two small kids of my own has given me a whole new respect for my mom’s abilities to always keep our house so clean growing up. Sometimes it feels like a full-time job! I’ve always been pretty good at keeping things tidy and picked up, but tasks […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, y’all — hope you’re having a great weekend! It’s felt like a bit of a marathon around here lately. After getting back from Miami last weekend, I dove headfirst into the kickoff to SXSW here in Austin, and the last couple of days have included speaking on a panel, tons of parties, and then throwing […]

7 Moves to Get Toned with Your Bestie

There are two types of exercisers: the lone wolf, and the groupie. While I totally identify as the former (having friends around while I work out is distracting to me!), I know plenty of people whose fitness routines thrive when they have a familiar face around for encouragement. Sound like you? If so, bookmark these exercises, call […]

How to Shop Like a Pro Online

A few weeks ago I found myself at the mall, bouncing from one store to the next, skimming the racks for something new and exciting to add to my wardrobe, when it hit me: I don’t know how to shop in person anymore. Is it just me, or has the shift into online shopping been so profound, that […]

Our Spring Break Reading List

Remember the days of having a “real” spring break? (All you students out there: enjoy it while it lasts.) A blissful week with no responsibilities, preferably spent on a beach with stacks of magazines and friends who have nothing on the agenda besides vegging out. I decided to reclaim it this year: by the time this […]

3 Moves that Work Your Entire Body

I’ll be honest, I’ve fallen into a bit of a workout slump lately. I’ve been majorly reorganizing my apartment, dealing with a sick dog, tackling the first phase of wedding planning, and hosting out-of-town guests… so fitness has fallen to the very bottom of my priority list (so much for that #bridebod, right?). Well this week I’ve […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, y’all. It has been a doozy of a week — starting Monday, I was in and out of bed with a mysterious fever and cough, Adam was out of town so I was home with both kids (thank God for our parents), and work was at its busiest so I couldn’t exactly burrow under […]

How to Learn a New Language in One Year

Texans live surrounded by Spanish. It’s on our menus, our street signs, and on the lips of so many people who live here. But even given all of that (and the four semesters of Spanish I endured during college) I still didn’t speak Spanish back in November of 2015. Rosetta Stone was something I’d been […]

Do You Need a Digital Detox?

Gluten detox? Check. Skincare detox? Done it. Digital detox? Hmmm… I’m gonna need to get back to you on that one. The other day I was at dinner with a wise friend who also happens to be a nurse, and I confided that I’ve been having some issues with insomnia lately (should that be a post?) […]

5 Prenatal Moves for Fit Mamas-to-Be

editor’s note: As someone who’s had 2 kids in the last 3 1/2 years, I can say from experience that staying active and toned throughout pregnancy is no easy feat. So I’ve been in awe as I’ve watched Marnie Duncan, owner of my go-to studio Mod Fitness, navigate 9 pregnant months with great posture, lean muscles, and […]

Weekend Notes

Morning, friends! Anyone else feeling especially happy that it’s the weekend? No matter how much I love what I do during the week (truth), by the time Friday rolls around I’m usually craving a break to turn it off, hang with the fam and not feel the constant need to be productive. I’ve been trying somewhat […]

Justin and Julie Marie

Julie Marie Wier and Justin Kitchen are one of those couples who (at any given moment) look like they just walked off a movie set — maybe something with a Pulp Fiction vibe, or John Water’s 1990 cult classic Crybaby. As individuals, they both posses a rare combination of striking looks and truly rebellious style. […]