
It’s Time! This Is How to Organize Your Fridge (and Maintain Your Sanity)

No more excuses.

By Rachel Rosenthal
Camille Organized Refrigerator

Does the notion of spring cleaning put you into a state of overwhelm? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. To make it easier, we decided to tackle it one room at a time. In our new series, Clean Sweep, we ask Rachel Rosenthal, organizing expert and founder of Rachel and Company, to break it down for us into three easy parts which we’ll reveal over the next three weeks. Last week we shared tips for how to organize a junk drawer. Up next: how to organize your fridge!

Summer is almost here and having an organized fridge is more important than ever. Whether it’s to help reinforce healthy eating habits, give your kids more independence with snack time, or save on your grocery budget; an organized fridge can, and will, make an impact in your day-to-day life. 

One of the biggest things I always say about fridge organization is that it isn’t a one-time task—fridge organization takes maintenance and tweaking over time.

Unlike other areas of your home that don’t change that often, like your linen closet, your fridge is changing each and every time you go to the grocery store. You 100% don’t need to do a full deep clean/organization of your fridge after every shop but by setting up systems and doing periodic check-ins you can keep your fridge organized at all times.

So, keep reading for my tips on how to organize your fridge (without losing your sanity!):

camille styles in kitchen-kitchenaid refrigerator

Start With a Clean Slate.

When you decide it’s time to organize your fridge you’re going to want to do a deep clean. Take everything out and wipe it all down. Really get in there and clean all sections (like door storage, drawers, shelves, handles) and try to use a non-toxic cleaner—your food lives here!

Organize on a Shop Day.

There is no use organizing your fridge on a day that it’s empty, it will just become overrun again the first time you hit the store. Make sure you’re organizing your fridge and setting up systems that work when it’s fully stocked.

Keep It Clear.

One of the easiest ways to keep your fridge organized is to avoid overbuying and to do that it is critical to know what you have on hand. Keeping your fridge bins clear allows you to quickly assess what you have, what you need to restock, and just as importantly what you need to use up soon.

Camille Organized Refrigerator

Create Zones.

As with all organizations, it is important to create categories in your fridge: snacks for the kids, dinner ingredients, produce, etc. This is especially helpful if you have kids so they know exactly where to find what they want and you can hopefully hear one less “Mom, I need help” each day.

organized refrigerator

Labeling Isn’t Just for Your Pantry.

So many people forget that labeling can be just as useful in your fridge as it is elsewhere in your home. Label the bins, drawers, or even shelves in your fridge so you know where everything goes. This is even more helpful for a shared fridge—we’re looking at you kids, husband, roommates, guests.

stocked refrigerator of hither & thither

Know Where to Store.

The lowest part of your fridge tends to be the coldest (since heat rises), so try to keep things that can spoil easily towards the bottom. Bonus Tip: Store eggs on the bottom shelf, they’ll stay fresh longer!

My Top 4 Products for Organizing Your Fridge:

Produce Keeper

Egg Bin

Deep Fridge Bins

Linus Fridge Wine Holder

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