
Bright Beet Soup

By Jenn Rose Smith
bright beet soup

bright beet soupTextile hunter Mollie Brown served this bright soup at her “Texas-meets-Morocco” backyard gathering this fall. See the full story here!

bright beet soup recipe

photographed by kate zimmerman

Bright Beet Soup

Serves 4-6

Bright Beet Soup

By Camille Styles


8 small to medium red beets

½ shallot

½ cup white vinegar

½ - ¾ cup whole milk plain Greek yogurt

1 lemon


ÂĽ cup crushed pistachios

Orange rind

Salt and pepper to taste


Fill a large pot with water, and set over high heat. Bring water to a boil. Stir in salt, and add beets; boil until beets are fork-tender, about 45 minutes

While the beets are boiling, slice shallot, place in a small bowl and add enough white vinegar to cover them. Let them sit as long as the beets take to cook.

Remove beets from water and let cool slightly. Then, peel and chop them into quarters.

Place the beets in a blender with shallots and the vinegar juice, ½ cup of yogurt, juice of 1 lemon, EVOO and a generous pinch of salt and pepper.

Blend very well

Add stock or water until it reaches the consistency you want. Additionally add yogurt or lemon to the soup based on your taste.

Top with crushed pistachios and orange rind

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