
Raspberry & Chia Seed Superfood Parfait

By Camille Styles
Raspberry & Chia Seed Superfood Parfait

Raspberry & Chia Seed Superfood Parfait

Do you guys go through breakfast “phases” where you tend to crave the same types of food every morning? I totally do — during my pregnancy, it was all about the scrambled eggs with avocado and toast. But (and I’m not sure if it’s due to the hotter weather or my post-baby body goals!) lately I’ve been craving fresher fruit-centric breakfasts that leave me feeling light and energized. Smoothies are in constant rotation, but when a liquid meal just isn’t going to cut it, this Raspberry & Chia Seed Superfood Parfait has been my favorite way to start the day on a healthy note.

*photos by Buff Strickland

Raspberry & Chia Seed Superfood Parfait

Since my mornings have felt a little hectic lately (WHY does it take so long to get ready and out of the house with a newborn???), I really love breakfasts that I can prep the night before. For this parfait, each of the layers gets whipped up in my Vitamix Blender and then sets up overnight, so it’s ready and waiting for me to simply grab out of the fridge during the morning crunch and sprinkle with fresh berries and granola. Speaking of which, a word on granola: I love to make my own so I can control the amount of sugar that goes into it… the store-bought ones can pack way too many calories and not enough nutrition. This toasted coconut and almond granola is my current fave.

Raspberry & Chia Seed Superfood Parfait

Our current collaboration with Vitamix has been such a fun one, since it’s the one appliance in my kitchen that I literally use every single day. Especially since my cooking over the last couple of years has become increasingly more health-focused, the Vitamix Blender is my constant companion for making fruity sorbet, vegetable soup, light sauces for fish and pasta, and of course, my almost-daily smoothie. It’s hands-down the best tool for showcasing colorful produce at its freshest. Exhibit A: this stunning purĂ©e made of raspberries and honey that forms the base layer of our parfaits. Have you ever seen such a gorgeous shade of pink?

Raspberry & Chia Seed Superfood Parfait

I have to admit that I haven’t always been the biggest fan of chia seeds. I’d had chia pudding that was kind of bland and watery, but after some experimentation, I’ve hit upon a recipe that’s full of flavor and creamy, even though it’s totally dairy-free… and coincidentally, gluten-free and vegan, too. And these little seeds are nutritional powerhouses: a 1-ounce serving contains 11 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, almost 20% of your daily calcium, and 30% of your daily magnesium needs. Talk about packing a major punch! Plus, the high fiber content absorbs tons of water and provides a feeling of fullness, which helps me resist mindless pre-lunchtime snacking.

Raspberry & Chia Seed Superfood Parfait

What’s your go-to healthy breakfast these days? I’m feeling ready to mix up my routine, so leave me some inspiration in the comments! And keep reading for the recipe for this Raspberry & Chia Seed Superfood Parfait…

This post was sponsored by Vitamix.

Raspberry & Chia Seed Superfood Parfait

Serves 4

Raspberry & Chia Seed Superfood Parfait

By Camille Styles


  • 2 cups frozen raspberries
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 1/2 cups almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 pitted dates
  • 1/3 cup chia seeds
  • granola (use your fave - I love this recipe)
  • fresh fruit, like chopped kiwi, apricots, and berries


  1. To the Vitamix container, add frozen raspberries, water, and honey, then secure the lid.
  2. Select Frozen Desserts setting and press start. Use tamper to press ingredients into blades, and allow machine to complete programmed cycle.
  3. Transfer into four glasses, and let set up in refrigerator while you make the chia pudding.
  4. Rinse out the Vitamix container, then add almond milk, vanilla, and dates. Blend on medium speed until smooth, then transfer to a small bowl. Add chia seeds to the bowl, and stir constantly for 3 minutes.
  5. Let mixture stand for 5 minutes, then divide evenly among glasses, pouring over the raspberry mixture. Cover with plastic wrap, and let sit overnight in fridge.
  6. When ready to serve, top with granola and fresh fruit. Eat!

*Parfaits will stay good for up to 3 days in the fridge. Top with fruit and granola just before serving.

Comments (12)

  1. sara says:

    Do you think you could do this with rice milk? Thinking it would be a lovely snack for daughter at school, but they are nut free… so the almond milk wouldn’t work.

    1. Camille Styles says:

      Absolutely! Rice milk would work great!

  2. Vanessa @ Living in Steil says:

    This looks delicious! I go through breakfast phases, too, and am currently getting tired of eggs in the morning. Fresh fruit and chia seeds (although I’m not the biggest fan of the latter) sound like a great alternative. Definitely going to give the recipe a try!

  3. Rachel S. says:

    I do breakfast phases too! Right now I’m doing oatmeal that I also get ready the night before. Rolled Oats, Water, cinnamon, spoon of nut butter, flax seed meal, chia seeds, frozen berries. In the morning, I splash milk on top and warm it up in the microwave.

    I love your pink tank in these pictures, can you tell me where it’s from?

  4. Gaby Dalkin says:

    Ugh, yes! I think it’s only natural to alternate between sweet and savory breakfasts. I could definitely eat this everyday for a few weeks!

  5. Emily Gutierrez says:

    About how many calories would you say this is?

  6. Susan says:

    Have to pick up some frozen raspberries as this sounds delightful! I have a Vitamix 5300… Just start out slow & ramp up to high & use tamper? Thanks!

    1. Camille Styles says:

      Yep, exactly! Hope you love it!

  7. billie evans says:

    My Vitamix does not have a Frozen Desserts setting or “programmed cycle”, only numbers 1-10. It’s a shame that you and Vitamix do not consider older machines that still run like they are new when you give Vitamix instructions. I would think more people have older machines than new ones. I use my Vitamix daily and am tempted by the new ones but will not be investing in one again until this one breaks; however, I have an open mind and if you or Vitamix have convincing evidence that the new model is better than my model 5200 I would like to know the facts.

    Enough said. This looks yummy and I believe I can figure out how to make it. Thanks

    1. Camille Styles says:

      Thanks Billie — you can definitely still make this! I would start on the lowest setting, and then gradually increase the speed using the tamper to blend everything well. Let us know how it goes!

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