
A Healthier Margarita Recipe and Notes from the Weekend

Bottoms up!

By Camille Styles
tyler haney's bedroom, outdoor voices

Happy weekend, babes! And happy Father’s Day to my wonderful dad and husband, and to all the dads out there. This morning we’re going to church, getting Adam’s car detailed (my gift), making blueberry pancakes (his fave) and then spending the day grilling and swimming and soaking up a sunny Sunday. It’s been so nice to be back in the swing of things this week after our big Italy trip… as much as I love to travel, I also love to come home, hang with my kids, and eat healthy. I suppose one sign of a great vacation is feeling rejuvenated and re-inspired when you return! Hope y’all are having a happy weekend, and scroll on for my favorite reads from around the web this week…

ty haney, outdoor voices, stylemaker, morning routine

22 great books for Summer 2019.

Just learned that “flexibility” isn’t exactly what I thought…

Jennifer Aniston’s cleaner margarita recipe is what your summer needs.

5 managers on what makes someone an instant hire.

Does thirst start in the mouth or in the gut? (fascinating!)

What to do if you’re not happy with your sex life.

Who else is desperately searching for Father’s Day gift ideas?

and a few fun things you may have missed!

These are the sunless tanners I swear by for a safe tan.

5 reasons why regular sex is good for your health.

The causes behind your most intense food cravings.

13 genius ways to use your summer herbs.