
Hello, May! Camille’s Letter from the Editor

Get outside and play.

By Camille Styles

May’s arrival always fills me with deep joy and a giddy sense of anticipation for the summer months ahead. The sunshine-filled days make me want to skip down the sidewalk (yes really), and my weekend planning revolves around figuring out how to spend as much time outside as possible. A couple of weeks ago, I got to spend a blissful two days at a ranch in Northern California for a wellness retreat (all the details on that next week), and it served as a much-needed reminder of the rejuvenating power of nature.

Stargazing, spending time with farm animals, and being surrounded by mountains and big sky was so nourishing to my soul and somehow brought me out of the routine and into a bigger picture way of thinking.

I also left feeling so inspired by nature’s bounty when it comes to the fresh, colorful produce of the season. We feasted on big salads bursting with tomatoes and just-picked lettuces, grilled bread topped with farm fresh goat cheese, and wild salmon showered with fresh herbs. When ingredients are that flavor-packed and prepared with care, it’s easy to savor every bite and the pleasure I get from healthy food increases tenfold. I came home wanting to plant an herb garden… and eat a bite of good dark chocolate at the end of every meal.

image credit: big bear, california

May mood board

Our editorial theme for May is OUTSIDE, and over the next 31 days, we’ll be adventuring to the best hiking spots in the country, sharing ideas for the most delicious food to serve (and eat) outdoors, and designing our outdoor spaces with the coolest new decor of summer. In a more figurative sense, we’ll hear from inspiring women about how they think outside the box and color outside the lines to live their lives to the fullest. We want this month’s stories to embolden you to seize the summer with open arms – and make time to get outside and play.

Win the Ultimate Madewell Shopping Spree!

Starting today, you’ll get access to exclusive discounts and giveaways from all our favorite shops, just by subscribing to the Camille Styles newsletter. And to kick off the fun, we’re giving away a $500 shopping spree to Madewell!! Enter to win right here.

The May SHOP just went live.

Y’all are going to love our editors’ favorite warm-weather picks, from clean beauty to boho home decor to the jumpsuit you’ve been searching for. It’s good, people.

Don’t miss our May playlist that just hit Spotify.

As always, created by our resident DJ Jamie Pabst. Subscribe to our channel for the coolest new music curated by mood and activity. Play our May jams right here!