
How to Get Out of a Funk and Notes from the Weekend

It happens to the best of us.

By Camille Styles
vILLA DEMI Punta Mita, Puerto Vallarta

Happy weekend, friends! Hope you don’t mind if I get straight into it with y’all today. Last week, I found myself in a bit of a funk. I’ve been going so hard into work and projects and parenting and trying to be a superstar at all the things – and actually thought I was doing just great – but by Thursday night, I felt totally blah. I went through the motions of making dinner, cleaning up, making school lunches, putting kids to bed, and in between all of it, multitasking by wrapping up a couple random work things from my phone. By the time I crashed into bed, I didn’t feel like reading, journaling, or watching TV, but I was too wired to sleep – do y’all ever have that experience where you literally don’t feel like doing anything? When Adam asked me what was wrong, I realized that I had been so busy being productive all week, I’d left little room for actually living, much less doing anything just for fun. And it had totally drained me.

This weekend has been a recalibration. I actually deleted my email from my phone since there’s literally nothing in my inbox that can’t wait for Monday, and it’s freed me up to totally focus on the people around me. And I’ve found that nothing gives me more energy than a real conversation where both people are totally present and free from distraction. The kids and I have taken nature walks around the neighborhood, painted our best glittery unicorns, done a massive grocery store shop, and made banana bread for friends. And I’m reminded that simply making space in my life for rest and giggles and long talks (and ice cream) is the most rejuvenating thing and brings me back to what matters most.

Hope y’all are having a great weekend, and scroll on for my favorite reads from around the web this week. xo C

These photos are from this villa rental in Puerto Vallarta that I stumbled across while indulging in some wanderlust this week. Dreamy, right?

vILLA DEMI Punta Mita, Puerto Vallarta

You don’t have to turn your hobby into a hustle.

How to organize your fridge for optimal freshness.

I’ve been trying out some of these family conversation starters around the dinner table, and they’ve led to some hilarious discussions.

Metabolism myths you should stop believing.

How to negotiate the right way.

An interesting conversation about cannabis and the opioid crisis.

Why experts love the Mediterranean diet.

Advice on how to buy fewer – and smarter – things.

And a few fun things you may have missed!

A guide on essential oils, and how to use them.

Eden Grinshpan shares her secret to making every meal delicious.

Three things I’ve done this year that have totally changed my skin.

Why sex is good for your health.

Seven pricey household products that are worth the splurge.