
The Drinking Debate and Notes from the Weekend

It’s a hot topic.

By Camille Styles
valentine's day romance novel book swap party

A few weeks ago, we shared a post about how to recover after a night out with cocktails, and it sparked some healthy debate both online and around the office. One comment in particular, from Jen, got us talking:

…Although I’m not a prohibitionist, I do think we should examine the message this sends to women. Everywhere we go, women are faced with messaging that we should drink (brunch, happy hour, holiday party, after yoga, before yoga, just to get through motherhood, etc.) as part of a cool and modern lifestyle. However, binge drinking has been linked to higher rates of cancer, heart disease, depression, and suicide, and women are twice as likely to engage in heavy drinking than they were 10 years ago. Recent studies show that there is no amount of alcohol use that is healthy, and that alcohol is the leading risk factor of premature death in women. Even your post states that binge drinking shrinks the membrane around your brain. Yikes! Considering that a lot of your other content is about wellness, I urge you to rethink how you address alcohol and not glamorize the hangover. 

Galentine's Party

I really appreciated Jen sharing her perspective. As someone who loves enjoying a glass of wine or two, it can be easy to focus only on the fun aspects of drinking and forget that there’s definitely a dark side, especially for those who struggle with addiction or depression. I brought up the issue with some of my female friends to get their take, and it’s funny how everyone had an opinion on the issue. My friend Kim completely stopped drinking wine after a bad experience with one too many glasses of rosé, and our team member Caroline mentioned that when she stopped drinking while pregnant, she realized she could have just as much fun at a party sipping Pellegrino and having good conversation.

For me, the big takeaway has been this:

I want to bring the same level of mindfulness to my drinking habits as I do to other choices in my life.

Just because I’m going out to a dinner with friends, I can still choose to drink or not drink based on my priorities (ie. if I need to be on my A-game at work the next day, I may want to skip the booze since wine inevitably makes me wake up at 2am.) And another thing: how much of our drinking in social situations has to do with the societal norms of those around us expecting us to always have a cocktail? Several girls in the office shared that they “didn’t want to seem like party poopers” by not drinking wine on a girls night out, even though in reality, they knew their friends would respect them for making whatever decision was right for them. Let’s be honest – our friends are going to have just as much fun whether we choose to drink or not drink. I know that I’m always better off when I listen to the wise voice within myself and confidently make the decision that helps me be my best self. I’d love to hear what y’all think about all this in the comments!

chocolate covered strawberries

And on that note, enjoy my favorite reads from around the web lately…

Why experts love the Mediterranean diet (and why I do, too.)

50 conversation starters for family dinner.

This renovated Spanish revival home is full of inspiring details.

How to actually, truly focus on what you’re doing.

The case for eating less meat.

A doctor asked children with terminal illnesses what made their lives meaningful. These are their answers.

This breathing technique will help you fall asleep fast.

How cannabis is helping opioid addicts avoid relapse.

A couple of my very talented friends produced a movie! The Social Ones is a comedy satirizing social media influencers. Can’t wait to see the whole thing, but here’s a trailer in the meantime.

And a few fun things you may have missed!

5-minute tasks that will make you healthier. 

How to write a cold email – that actually gets read.

These are the easy dinner recipes I make when there’s no time to cook.

Experts reveal the beauty hacks they swear by.