Articles from Kelly

My Juice Journey

I’ve often scoffed at the phrase, “I’m going on a juice cleanse.” Mostly because those who were giving it a go were doing so as penance for an indulgent weekend or a fast solution to a larger problem. While there is something to be said for the need to reset the mind — or despite my disdain […]

Sticking to Your Plan

When I first embarked on this journey, my only real goal was to simply get healthy. I didn’t set a lot of rules around the number of days I should exercise or amount of vegetables to consume. My energy was spent on finding workouts that I liked, cleaning up my diet and making sure I was having […]

Your Guide to a Healthy Holiday

Like many of you, I’m dashing through this week: tying up loose ends at work, finishing up holiday shopping and making my rounds at all the holiday parties. Add in running, bike rides and squeezing in every pilates class I can, and essentially every second of every day is spoken for until I get to […]

Back to Ballet

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” At one time or another, we’ve all heard Eleanor Roosevelt’s famous quote, and while I can’t say I succeed in this every single day, I pride myself in taking the road less traveled and trying things I once deemed as impossible. A few weeks ago, over the course of […]

Hit the Reset Button

For better or worse, I (kelly) live for seizing the moment. Because I’m a firm believer that every day has the potential to be the best one yet, I often have a hard time turning down any opportunity to spend time with family, friends or travel. I have an even harder time if it’s a […]

Live Kindly :: Buying Your First Road Bike

When I moved to Austin almost 4 years ago, one thing was very clear: this city has a strong cycling community. Cycling wasn’t prevalent in the small Nebraska town that I grew up in, but after my Dad raced his first biathlon in the 90’s and a family member rode RAGBRAI (a seven-day bike ride across Iowa) several […]

Live Kindly :: Travel Without Sabotaging Your Diet

There’s an old adage that goes, “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail.” And while that may sound a little harsh (because let’s face it, sometimes life happens), there is some merit to that. I travel quite a bit throughout the year, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned while being on this journey, it’s that consistency […]

Live Kindly :: My First Running Group

EDITOR’S NOTE: When our friend Kelly Krause shared her incredibly inspiring “How to :: Change Your Life” story of losing over 135 pounds in a year, it seemed to resonate with so many of our readers. We love her enthusiasm and passion for her adventures in wellness, so we invited her to start taking us […]