
The Right Way to Wear Bronzer, From Day to Night

For me, bronzer is in that beauty category (with blush and foundation) of products that can truly make or break your look. When applied properly, in the form of the correct formulas for your skin’s tone and texture, these products can make you appear glowy and well-rested; like you just so happen to have perfect […]

Desperately Seeking Cindy

Recently we were all chatting about our favorite bygone fitness trends (Tae Bo? Zumba, anyone?) and I realized I’m the only one here in the studio old enough to have been fully obsessed with Cindy Crawford’s Workout Challenge tapes in high school. If (like my colleagues) you’re too young to have ever owned a VHS, let me […]

How to Beat Body Breakouts Once and For All

Swimsuit season is upon us, and with it comes a special sort of terror for those who suffer from chest and back acne. But don’t worry — there’s still time to clear this pesky issue up before summer. We met up with Dr. Rachel Gordon, a dermatologist at North Dallas Dermatology, to talk about what […]

These are the Best Grown Up Acne Treatments

I cringe at the thought of my high school skincare routine. I was (shocking for a future beauty editor) obsessed with products and tried different things all the time. Like many teenagers, I was convinced that I needed strong scrubs and bracing toners to clear up breakouts. If it’s not burning a little, then it’s […]