
Have You Found Your Dream House Online?

Close your eyes (figuratively speaking, of course, since you need to keep reading to complete the exercise) and imagine your dream house. I don’t mean the one that you pinned this morning with the great sofa, or the one you drove past last week with an amazing wrap-around porch… I mean the one that’s perfect […]

If You’re Looking for Some Holiday Reading…

Hope y’all are having a great week and getting to enjoy some extra time off! Can’t believe that tomorrow is the last day of 2015… who’s thinking about their resolutions? If you’re looking for some fun holiday reading, scoop up the January issues of Architectural Digest and Elle Decor — you might spot the full-page ad […]

Our Best Posts of 2015

Hope you didn’t blink, because 2015 came and went in a blur. It was a big year for us at Camille Styles, and now we’re looking back over a year that saw us expand our content, try out new things, and meet some amazing people along the way. Our team sat down to talk about our favorite […]

Are You Spending Too Much on Holiday Gifting?

It’s the question I ask myself each time I punch in that 16-digit credit card number to place an online order, and frankly, it’s a major point of stress for me this time of year. I’ve been thinking a lot about why the holidays — the most wonderful time of the year — make so many of us […]

6 Ways to Make Your Dining Room Look More Expensive

What do you find more rewarding: splurging on a luxury piece that you find really beautiful and worthwhile? Or finding a thrifty bargain and making it look luxe? I think both can feel sweetly satisfying, but I’ve always admired people who can achieve the latter. Whether it’s the perfect thrifted leather jacket or flea market rug, […]

4 Ways to Give Back This Holiday

It goes without saying that the holidays are a magical time. And as wonderful as I find the twinkling lights and snow-dusted sidewalks, the most magical part of the season is the tradition of giving, both to those you love and to those in need. There seems to be an innate desire to do something good for others at this time […]

15 Amazing American-Made Gifts

editor’s note: We’ve been talking a lot around the office lately about our increasing desire to consider where we’re spending our money and who it’s supporting. During this season of intense consumerism, we thought it would be a great opportunity to take a look at how we can spend our money for good, supporting the companies […]

Pine Snowflake Wreaths

This holiday DIY checks out in every category: inexpensive, easy, and delightfully festive. I found these pine pipe cleaners at the local craft store and bought them not knowing what their purpose would be. But within just two minutes of bending and twisting, the wired greenery suddenly took on a fun snowflake shape, and so […]

How to Be a More Thoughtful Gift Giver

If you’ve not yet been acquainted with the beautiful world of Simone LeBlanc, allow me to do the honors. As LA’s most trusted source in specialty gifting, Simone works wonders curating gorgeous gifts, then magically packaging them in the most sophisticated, jaw-dropping gift boxes. With the holiday season officially here, we knew we wanted to get her on the site to […]

A Professional Organizer’s Guide to Gifting

Are you guys in crazy holiday mode yet? This morning I took a look at my social calendar for the week, and for the first time this year felt that jolt of winter anxiety… so. much. to. do. And with my first gift swap this Thursday (and Hanukkah starting this Sunday), I’m already kicking myself for […]

A Different Take on a Nursery

If you’re decorating a nursery for the first time, it can be easy to be overwhelmed by all of the new decisions to be made. Serena Dugan, a mother of two and the chief creative officer of Serena and Lily, says “the hardest thing is that new parents feel restricted by what’s ‘functional’ because it’s all […]

Cinnamon Spice Christmas Ornament

Cue up the Santa Baby… at our house, today officially kicks off the Christmas season! We make it a tradition to decorate the tree and hang the stockings on the day after Thanksgiving every year. After all, we’ve only got 29 more days to be in the holiday spirit, and this season always flies by so quickly. Thought […]