

What’s On Hand :: Courtney McBroom

Foodie Courtney McBroom isn’t afraid to pour herself a glass of wine, throw on a record, grab a big old Japanese kitchen knife and start chopping. This is especially amazing because most people don’t even own a Japanese kitchen knife, much less possess the confidence to wield one after a glass of rosé. But Courtney […]

At the Table :: Go Indigo

EDITOR’S NOTE: It’s a fun day on the blog today: we are debuting not one, but two brand new series! When I first met Callie Jenschke, the dynamic Texan who recently moved back to Austin from NYC, I knew a creative collaboration was destined to happen. She worked for the likes of Metropolitan Home, Lonny, […]

Entertaining With :: Annette Joseph

Annette Joseph knows how to throw a party — she is confident, full of laughs and totally at ease, as she whips up one Italian dish after another while guests simply sit back in awe of her skill. Annette learned from the best: after working alongside Gwyneth Paltrow, living alongside her best Italian girlfriends and […]

Three Simple Summer Recipes

When it comes to eating al fresco during the dog days of summer, you have to be careful — the dishes have to be refreshing enough to not weigh you down, served cold or at room temperature to offset the blazing heat, and casual enough to match the laid-back, barefoot vibe. So when we heard […]

Morning Meals :: Strawberry Rhubarb Oatmeal Crisps

This breakfast is somewhere between a healthy morning meal and a delicious indulgence.  It’s the perfect warm weather brunch idea, individually baked for your guests.  Breakfast crisps are perfectly sweet without giving you the sugar hangover of most pastries.  It’s best served with strong coffee and a dollop of whipped creme if you’re feeling fancy. […]

Bottoms Up :: The Kombucha Cocktail

Some of us never forget our first experience with Kombucha. I remember staring blankly at those bouncy clusters of (extremely foreign) floaters, wondering why my mom insisted that I gulp down the alien drink. Fast forward a couple years and many tangy sips later, this trendy, fermented drink has got me hooked. Whether it’s that […]

Tuesday Tastings :: Spiced Cappuccino

With Camille in St. Tropez this week (so jealous), today’s installment of Tuesday Tastings has been guest-contributed by Gabriela Iancu, who cooks up meals and musings for her blog, What Liberty Ate. Take it away, Gabriela… *** I started drinking coffee about five years ago when I had my first professional job and had to […]

Love + Work :: A Father’s Day Edition

Father-daughter team Andrew and Sophie are cooking up something really special, and yes, there’s food involved! Enter What To Cook Tonight — a new Sydney-based website that finally simplifies that ever-growing list of hoarded recipes by providing readers with weekly downloadable cookbooks that feature just five recipes, a plat du jour for every night of the week (and […]

Featured On… Whole Foods Market Blog

The first day of summer may be June 21st, but I think summer came a little earlier this year! I’m already stocking my fridge with watermelon and popsicles, lathering on the sunscreen, and hopping in the pool every chance I get. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that I’m already planning a few pool parties […]

Basil Pesto & 6 Minute Egg on Toast

The simplest breakfasts are often the most delicious. Much like the beloved avocado toast, it doesn’t take a lot of ingredients to form an addiction. My boyfriend made this delicious combination for me on a whim, and since then, I can’t get enough.  It’s the perfect flavor for a light, early Summer breakfast. Ingredients: 2 large […]

10 Best Summer Salads

Lobster, watermelon, and citrus—lots of citrus! We are so ready for all the refreshing summer flavors that await us, so we rounded up recipes for our 10 favorite summer salads. Enjoy them as a first course pre-poolside BBQ, paired with a sparkling Rosé of your choice or all on their own. Don’t let the simple […]

What’s On Hand :: Kim Love

When I visit someone’s house, my favorite thing to do is to sneak a peak in their pantry or fridge. It’s like looking through their medicine cabinet…you can learn a lot about a person from what they keep in their crisper, not to mention getting inspired with great ideas for what to stock yourself. In […]