
20 Chocolate Desserts To Seduce Your Valentine

For many, the words “Valentine’s Day” bring to mind visions of cheesy cards, stuffed animals and boxed chocolates. Bleh. Around the Camille Styles office, we’re in favor of ditching the clichés… but the chocolate can stay. The chocolate can always stay. This Valentine’s Day, we’re taking it to the next level with decadent homemade recipes that are sure to […]

Healthy Almond Joy Bites

After weeks of cookies, cocktails and indulging without abandon, I decided that January 2017 needed to be a month without refined sugars. A brave move for a baker (read: sugar addict), I know, but when moderation no longer holds meaning, work has to be done. I’ve spent the last four weeks rediscovering my love for […]

Chai Spiced Poached Pears with Mascarpone

editor’s note: We’re so excited to have our friend and frequent collaborator, Ashleigh Amoroso, sharing one of her favorite holiday recipes on the blog today. Ashleigh is an editorial photographer based in Austin who shoots lots of the food you’ve seen here on the site, and whose own Instagram account we’re completely addicted to thanks to her sophisticated and moody food […]

Vegan Orange Gingerbread Cookies

Cookie decorating has always been one of my favorite holiday traditions. When I was a kid, my mom would throw Christmas cookie decorating parties every December. In the center of the table she would pile mounds of homemade sugar and gingerbread dough, and my friends and I would spend hours making cookies in all shapes […]

Healthy Frozen Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Let me start by saying that ice cream and iced coffee are two of my favorite things on the planet. So winter’s arrival always leaves me in a bit of a predicament: do I abandon icy treats until warmer temps arrive? It just doesn’t seem right. I know, I know, there’s nothing quite like strolling down the sidewalk during the […]

This Surprising Ingredient will Reinvent Your Cheese Board

If you asked Instagram, 2016 could have been the year of the cheese board. And is it any surprise? Few culinary creations are as photogenic as a big wood cutting board brimming with colorful cheeses, fruits, meats (and lots more if you get creative), and I’ve got to admit, it’s a trend I don’t think I’ll get […]

Winter Wonderland White Chocolate Bark

If we’re being honest, this dessert is really more like a diorama than it is a fully developed recipe, but rest assured it is not lacking in flavor. I’ve been having a blast playing around with baking chocolate this holiday season (remember these salty chocolate-covered pretzels?), and recently, when we sat down to brainstorm how we could […]

Cranberry Ginger Oat Crumble

There’s nothing more healing than holiday baking. My favorite time of year is when the weather starts to drop and the Christmas lights come up, and everything about this cranberry ginger oat crumble puts me in the holiday spirit. It can easily be served for breakfast or dessert, and feel free to experiment with any fruit […]

Chocolate-Covered Pretzels with Sea Salt, Coconut and Pumpkin Seeds

I don’t have much of a sweet tooth. Gummy candies and super sweet frosting have never done much for my palate, and really, the thought of biting through a Gusher or jelly bean makes me cringe. Instead, my caloric indulgences come in the form of savory foods like flaky pastry dough, buttery croissants, and lots of creamy cheeses. I will admit, […]

Apple, Blackberry, & Thyme Slab Pie

ed. note: As Thanksgiving approaches, we’ve been spotting tons of “slab pies” around the web and love their rustic look and (most of all) their ability to easily feed a crowd. We called in our go-to expert on all things pastry, chef Callie Speer, to share her most delicious slab pie recipe with a few tips on achieving […]

Healthy Caramel Apples

One of my favorite elements on the table at our wickedly gorgeous Halloween dinner party were the delicious and surprisingly healthy caramel apples that nixed the butter and sugar, but still felt like a major treat (because it is Halloween, after all.) The “caramel” sauce is made from medjool dates and coconut oil for the most addictive all-natural sweetness —  a few of the girls loved this […]

“Kitchen Sink” Halloween Chocolate Bark

I’m a little mystified as to why I haven’t experimented with chocolate bark before, because (a) it is ridiculously easy and so delicious, and (b) I’m not sure that I’ve ever had so much fun making a dessert! You can get real creative with throwing in all kinds of toppings (like I did here), marbling different […]

Autumn-Spiced Stuffed Baked Apples

There’s nothing quite like the feeling I get when I bake my first fall recipe of the season. The gentle hum of the oven (a sound I haven’t heard in months, thanks to the Texas heat), the scent of warm, hearty spices wafting throughout the kitchen, and, if I’m lucky, an open window with a […]

Layered Chocolate, Banana, & Date Shake

September is a month of new goals and fresh starts, and for many of us, that holds just as true in the food and drink departments. Did anyone else feel like the last half of summer held a few too many opportunities for overindulgences? I definitely hit my limit over the Labor Day weekend with 3 days […]

No-Bake Greek Yogurt Cheesecake Cups

New York-style cheesecake is one of my all-time favorite desserts. The combination of toasty, buttery graham cracker crust and thick, tangy cream cheese-loaded cake is at the top of my “favorite indulgences” list, and I have a feeling I’m not alone in this devotion. Not only do I love to eat it, I also love […]

How to Make a Coconut Bowl

Do y’all know how to make those adorable coconut bowls that have been all over Pinterest this summer? I didn’t, though I’ve definitely been guilty of bringing home a couple of coconuts from the grocery store, and then realizing that I had no idea what to do with them besides bust out a hammer. #coconutfail. In today’s video, […]